2023 Singapore Early Childhood Education Chinese Symposium 新加坡学前教育论坛

Date: 30 Sep 2023

Venue: Lifelong Learning Institute, Level 2 Lecture Theatre, 11 Eunre, 11 Eunos Road 8, Singapore 408601

News Type: Tenets of integrated education include equal access to education and catering for diverse learning needs.

School/Department: Tenets of integrated education include equal access to education and catering for diverse learning needs.


About 活动简介

Tenets of integrated education include equal access to education and catering for diverse learning needs. Mainstreaming or placing students with special educational needs in common education classrooms acquaints them with normal school routines. At the same time, other children can also learn to accept and care about classmates who may differ from them in some way. 

An increasing number of children with special needs enrol in regular kindergartens in Singapore nowadays. It is vital that we ponder how to make early childhood education inclusive by implementing integrated education. 
融合教育(Integrated Education)强调“人人教育均等,每一个人都应该拥有平等受教育的权利”,与此同时“还应该满足所有人的学习需求”。让特需儿童回归到正常的主流学习环境,不但能让他们亲身体验真实的生活,并从实际生活中获取经验;也能让其他幼儿在和特需儿童的接触中,学会如何接纳与关怀和自己不一样,而需要帮助的人。 
