Brown Bag Series: Self-Regulation: Learning from Athletes
Date: 14 Jul 2023
Venue: Online (Zoom)
News Type: A/P Emily Ortega from SHBS will share on how we can learn from athletes to self-regulate and perform at our very best.
School/Department: A/P Emily Ortega from SHBS will share on how we can learn from athletes to self-regulate and perform at our very best.
Self-Regulation: Learning from Athletes
"He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior".
The key to conquering ourselves is self-regulation — how we monitor and manage our thoughts, emotions and behaviours.
On 14 July 2023, Associate Professor Emily Ortega from the SUSS School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences will be sharing on the topic of Self-Regulation: Learning from Athletes. Session participants will get to learn about how athletes self-regulate to perform at their very best.
More on The Brown Bag Series
The Brown Bag Series aims to help Singaporeans to gain new skills and competencies to level up their careers. The Critical Core Skills Workshop (July 2023) is a 6-part series organised by HeadHunt in collaboration with the Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI) to help Singaporeans.