Crime and Security Forum 2022 - Crime and Security in a Post Pandemic World

Date: 28 Nov 2022

Venue: Online event (Zoom)

News Type: An online event that discusses issues of crime and security control in a post pandemic world, the challenges, the implications and what needs to be done.

School/Department: An online event that discusses issues of crime and security control in a post pandemic world, the challenges, the implications and what needs to be done.



The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, along with various geo-political and societal changes, has proven to be a challenging period for managing crime and security issues. Trends such as increased digital transformation and remote working are here to stay, and they bring new dimensions of concern. Increased use of social media and the internet present ever-changing threats to crime, public order and security. Technological advancements such as the metaverse development raise new challenges. In the face of major changes in the post-pandemic world, crime control and the maintenance of public safety and security cannot remain static. The forum will discuss what the implications are and what needs to be done in crime and security control.