2022 Singapore Early Childhood Education Chinese Symposium 新加坡学前教育论坛

Date: 10 Sep 2022

Venue: Online event

News Type: As home-based learning became the norm during lockdowns, teachers had to acquire new skills, and adjust their teaching strategies. Teacher-student relationships have also changed as a result.

School/Department: As home-based learning became the norm during lockdowns, teachers had to acquire new skills, and adjust their teaching strategies. Teacher-student relationships have also changed as a result.


About 活动简介

The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted many facets of our lives and took its toll on people around the world, one way or another, for more than two years.

As home-based learning became the norm during lockdowns, teachers had to acquire new skills, and adjust their teaching strategies to adapt to remote teaching. Teacher-student relationships have also changed as a result.

On 10 September, the four speakers of 2022 Singapore Early Childhood Education Chinese Symposium will explore the theme “Turning Challenges into Opportunities: Rethinking Early Childhood Education amid COVID-19”. They will share their experiences of tackling challenges posed by Covid-19, and exchange ideas on early childhood curriculum development.



