Working from Home and Well-Being Survey

Date: 20 Apr 2022

Venue: Online

News Type: Findings of this study will shed light on the design of effective work arrangements that foster well-being in Singapore.

School/Department: Findings of this study will shed light on the design of effective work arrangements that foster well-being in Singapore.



This study, conducted by Associate Professor Ada Wong from the School of Business of the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), aims to understand Singapore workers' perceptions regarding the “working from home” arrangements amid the coronavirus outbreak. The survey targets at adult workers (between 18 and 65 years old) who have a full-time job in Singapore and work from home experience in the past 6 months

  • This survey will take approximately 6 to 8 mins to complete. Participation is strictly voluntary, and you may abandon the survey at any time for any reason.
  • As an incentive for participation, a lucky draw will be performed at the completion of the survey to randomly select 200 eligible respondents (who successfully completed the entire questionnaire with effective responses) to receive S$20 Grab e-voucher.
  • All responses will remain anonymous and data will only be aggregated for analysis. 

Findings of this study will shed light on the design of effective work arrangements that foster well-being in Singapore. Let’s join hands to devise healthier work practices for our post pandemic future!

*This study is supported by the Faculty Development Scheme of SUSS and the MOE Startup Research Funding (RF10018F)

Kindly also share the link to your friends and family and encourage them to complete the survey by 10 May 2022.

For any enquiries, please reach out to Assoc Prof Ada Wong [email protected]