Healthy Food Choices When Dining Out
Date: 21 Jan 2022
Venue: Online event (Zoom)
News Type: Want to know more of how to make healthy food choices when dining out? This talk will equip you with a better understanding of how to do so!
School/Department: Want to know more of how to make healthy food choices when dining out? This talk will equip you with a better understanding of how to do so!
Hawker centres, food courts, restaurants, and fast-food restaurants offer a variety of meals options. Typically, these meals are higher in calories, saturated fat, salt, and added sugars than the food you prepare at home. Want to know how to choose healthy food choices when dining out? Do sign up for this health talk to find out more!
Disclaimer: All contents provided be it in the presentation or by the speaker of 365 Cancer Prevention Society (365CPS) are for general information only. Should you or someone you know need further assistance, please seek advice from a mental health professional or other qualified health providers.