Just Justice Talk: Restorative Practices for Children in India

Date: 3 Dec 2021

Venue: Online event (Zoom)

News Type: A virtual conversation platform to discuss topics surrounding Restorative Justice. This session will cover the topic of “Restorative Practices for Children in India: Nurturing Relationships”.

School/Department: A virtual conversation platform to discuss topics surrounding Restorative Justice. This session will cover the topic of “Restorative Practices for Children in India: Nurturing Relationships”.



We are pleased to cordially invite you to attend the fourth and final instalment of Just Justice Talk (JJT), a virtual conversation platform to discuss topics surrounding Restorative Justice. This session will cover the topic of “Restorative Practices for Children in India: Nurturing Relationships”.

In collaboration between the Governors State University in Chicago and the Singapore University of Social Sciences, this student-led initiative aims to create a space for students, academics, and practitioners from around the world to engage in an informal conversation on Restorative Justice.

Join us on December 3, 2021, with our speaker Ms. Arti Mohan, a Restorative Justice Program Officer at Counsel to Secure Justice. She will discuss with us how restorative justice is used for children in India. She will also share her work with juvenile offenders from various backgrounds, as well as how she involved the various stakeholders to nurture relationships that would support the children's post-release reintegration.