Practising Experiential Learning Conference 2021
Date: 1 Apr 2021
Venue: SUSS
News Type: A sharing and discussion opportunity for educators and practitioners on experiential learning pedagogy, approaches and activities.
School/Department: A sharing and discussion opportunity for educators and practitioners on experiential learning pedagogy, approaches and activities.
About the Conference
Despite David Kolb's formulation of the experiential learning cycle theory a few decades ago, the definitions and principles of experiential learning remain highly contended. This can be observed in many pedagogical methods that similarly eschew "classroom instruction" as the bane of modern education, like "applied learning", "situated learning", and "experience-based learning". Instead of participating in the polemics, this conference attends to the practices of experiential learning. It seeks to bring together practitioners' and students' perceptions of what they consider "experiential learning", and to showcase how individuals and institutions curate and deliver learning opportunities beyond conventional academic settings.
There are four key experiential learning channels that we focus on in this conference: (1) student leadership development; (2) service-learning and community engagement; (3) internships and work attachment; and (4) overseas immersion. Topics under these four channels could include but are not limited to: the design and execution of, institutional frameworks and support for, and impact measurements of experiential programmes and courses.