Migration and Our Discontents

Date: 23 Oct 2020

Venue: Online

News Type: This talk will explore migration to Singapore in comparative perspective, and discuss potential effects on the labour market and society.

School/Department: This talk will explore migration to Singapore in comparative perspective, and discuss potential effects on the labour market and society.


Migration and Our Discontents


"We wanted workers... but we got people instead." The Swiss novelist Max Frisch, writing on Germany's post-war immigration-fuelled economic boom, captured the essence of the migration question. Countries value migration, which provides manpower and skills in short supply domestically. What countries may not value is that migrant workers are also people. Their integration, or lack thereof, into the labour force and society rarises questions about competition, discrimination, and national identity.

This talk will explore migration to Singapore in comparative perspective, discuss potential effects on the labour market and society, and questions for future study.

* Webinar is conducted in English, with Chinese subtitles


“我们想要工人……但我们却招了‘人’。” 瑞士小說家马克斯·弗里施(Max Frisch)撰写关于战后德国推动的经济繁荣,抓住了移民问题的实质。各国重视移民,因为移民在国内提供短缺的人力和技能。但国家可能不重视的是外来劳动力也是人。他们能否融入劳动力和社会,引发了有关竞争,歧视和民族认同的问题。




Date: 22 October 2020 (Thursday)

Time: 7.30pm to 9.00pm (Live Q&A Session starts at 8.30pm)

Venue: Zoom (Details will be emailed to you nearer the date)

Registration closed


Speaker (主讲者)

Associate Professor Walter Edgar TheseiraAssociate Professor Walter Edgar Theseira (特斯拉博士)

Dr Theseira is an Associate Professor of Economics at the School of Business, Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS). He has a Ph.D. in Applied Economics and Managerial Science from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and his areas of expertise are in applied microeconomics, behavioural, and experimental economics. Assoc. Prof. Theseira's policy research work includes studying the licensed money-lending market in Singapore with the Ministry of Law, vehicle quota auctions with the Land Transport Authority, and the Singapore Retirement and Health Survey. He has served as a research consultant/advisor with the Economist Service of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of National Development, the Ministry of Social and Family Development, and with the Civil Service College. He has also served as a Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP) for the 13th Parliament of Singapore, Second Session.
