Language, Creativity, and Innovation in Advertising 从广告语言到创意文案

Date: 17 Oct 2020

Venue: Online event

News Type: In its 10th year, the SUSS Cultural China Public Lecture goes virtual!

School/Department: In its 10th year, the SUSS Cultural China Public Lecture goes virtual!



Language, Creativity, and Innovation in Advertising -- A Singapore-China Dialogue

Join Norman Tan and Ma Xiaobo, advertising veterans from Singapore and China, as they share their insights on the digital transformation of the advertising industry. Be inspired by their experiences from being at the forefront of the industry in Singapore and China, and how they have overcome the contextual differences between the two culturally diverse countries.

This event will be conducted in Mandarin. However, simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided on Zoom Webinar.

  • Live Streaming (without English interpretation) - Lianhe Zaobao and ZBNow Facebook pages
  • Zoom Webinar (with English interpretation) – No prior registration needed

Click on the red button below for the links and to get reminder!

The SUSS Cultural China Public Lecture series is jointly organised by SUSS and Lianhe Zaobao.




  • 直播——联合早报面簿、早报现在面簿
  • Zoom Webinar(将提供中英同声传译)—— 无需预先报名

