Singapore Chinese Film Festival 2020 第八届新加坡华语电影节

Date: 2 Oct 2020

Venue: Filmgarde Bugis+, KinoLounge by Shaw Theatres

News Type: The 8th Singapore Chinese Film Festival (SCFF2020) will be held from 2 - 11 October and the film selection this year consists of 33 films.

School/Department: The 8th Singapore Chinese Film Festival (SCFF2020) will be held from 2 - 11 October and the film selection this year consists of 33 films.


About 活动简介

Eighth Singapore Chinese Film Festival (SCFF2020) presents online-physical hybrid edition due to Covid-19 pandemic

The Singapore Film Society (SFS) and Centre for Chinese Studies@Singapore University of Social Sciences (CCS@SUSS) are delighted to announce that the 8th Singapore Chinese Film Festival (SCFF2020) will be held from 2 - 11 October.

The upcoming edition of the festival will feature live and digital screenings in view of the Covid-19 pandemic. We have partnered with FilmGarde Bugis+ for the physical  screenings, and Shaw KinoLounge for the online programme. In addition, together with the Taiwan Film Institute, we have curated a special Classics segment  comprising three Amoy Dialect Classics.

Our film selection this year consists of 33 films in five main sections: Chinese Panorama (16 narrative feature films), Documentary Vision (three documentaries),  Chinese Shorts Showcase (nine short films), (Non) Chinese Language Cinema (two  feature films) and Amoy Dialect Classics (three classics).

Among the 33 films, 12 feature films and the nine short films will be screened physically, while 10 feature films will be available online. The three Amoy Dialect classics will be presented on video streaming platform, Vimeo. In our continuing efforts to satisfy Singapore's love for Chinese films, we have selected productions from various regions including China (10), Hong Kong (eight), Taiwan (12),  Singapore (two), Singapore-China (one).

Please refer to and for the full programme listing and latest updates.



在3月份宣布延期的第8届新加坡华语电影节终于要在10月2日至11日期间,影院、线上双轨出击——在白沙浮娱乐广场的丰和电影院线放映12 部长片和 9部短片、在邵氏线上平台上展映10部影片,并和台湾电影中心合作,在影片串流平台Vimeo上免费放映 3 部厦语片——让本地华语电影爱好者有机会看到总共 33 部原音放映的作品。这其中包括来自台湾的电影 12 部,中国10部和香港 8部。另外,还有一部新中合拍片和 2 部本地电影。

由于受到 2019 新型冠状病毒疫情影响,本届电影节的规模也相应调整,可是常驻的三个单元“华夏风情画”、“纪录片视角”和“华流短片展”依然是电影节的重点。 “华夏风情画”共有16部近一两年推出的剧情长片,包括台湾电影《大饿》《菠萝蜜》《下半场》《3 天2 夜》《江湖无难事》《我的灵魂是爱做的》《那个我最亲爱的陌生人》;港产片《金都》《幻爱》《Baby 复仇记》;中国犯罪剧情片《六欲天》 《南方车站的聚会》;动画电影则有中国的《白蛇缘起》和香港的《大侦探福尔摩 斯:逃狱大追捕》。今年的开幕片是新加坡和中国合作的《长风镇》,闭幕片则是荣获 2020 香港电影评论学会大奖最佳电影的香港作品《叔·叔》。
