Promoting Equity within Marketised Early Education Systems by Professor Eva Lloyd
Date: 11 Oct 2019
Venue: SUSS, Block C, Level 4, SR C.4.12/C.4.13
News Type: This lecture-panel discussion focuses on how early childhood systems can have a wealth-creating function by enabling adults' labour force participation while promoting children’s healthy development.
School/Department: This lecture-panel discussion focuses on how early childhood systems can have a wealth-creating function by enabling adults' labour force participation while promoting children’s healthy development.
Equity in Early Education Speaker Series
The Equity in Early Education speaker series is created for a broad audience of educators, other professionals and interested members of the public. The series complements the practitioner workshops that we have been creating with an intentionally diverse range of topics to create greater awareness of how early childhood education provision has multiple histories and enduring debates around the world about what counts as quality. All educational systems continue to improve its care and education of its youngest citizens through strategic policies and practices that adapt to the changing needs of societies. This is why ongoing discussion is important for systems to learn from one another, and for professionals across different child-related sectors to broaden their perspectives, to work together in the best interest of young children, in partnership with their families.
The format for each event in this series comprises: 1) a keynote address, followed by 2) a panel of experts who will respond to the keynote address, and 3) together with the speaker, panellists will answer questions from the audience.