When is the next available intake?
July 2026.
Will there be a January 2026 intake?
No, the intake semester has been moved to July from 2026 onwards.
Why is the intake date changing from January to July?
The University has decided to align its academic calendar with other universities and optimise the scheduling of courses and resources.
How will this change affect the application process?
The application period will be adjusted accordingly. Applications will open from 1 October 2025 to 15 March 2026.
Is there a change to the admission criteria?
No, the admission criteria remain the same. You may refer to the admission criteria page for more information.
When should I take the LNAT for the July 2026 intake?
During the transition period of our intake change, LNAT tests taken between 1 September 2024 and 15 March 2026 will be accepted for the July 2026 intake.
Can I take the LNAT multiple times during this transition period?
Applicants should only take the LNAT once between 1 September 2024 and 15 March 2026 and submit the scores of their first attempt only.
What happens if I already took the LNAT in preparation for the January 2026 intake
During the transition period of our intake change, LNAT tests taken between 1 September 2024 and 15 March 2026 will be accepted for the July 2026 intake.
If my final academic transcript is not ready by 15 March 2026, can I still apply?
You should apply to the next available intake after you have received your final academic transcript, i.e. if your results are only available in May 2026, you should apply to the July 2027 intake.
Will late applications be considered?
Applications submitted after 15 March 2026 will not be considered.
When will the interviews be conducted?
Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed between April and May 2026.
When will I know the outcome of my application?
All applicants will be notified by the end of June 2026.