CET Course

HRM358 - Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace


While many business leaders, HR professionals and workers agree that there is a business case for diversity and inclusion in the workplace, they face challenges in behaving in ways to support it. HRM358 Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace helps students to understand the psychological underpinnings of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, consider the barriers that block such diversity to flourish and examine the legal frameworks that support various dimensions of diversity. First, the course explores the fundamental concepts and information related to diversity and inclusion. Second, the course helps students to conceptualise and contextualise diversity via structure and processes within organisations that perpetuate discriminatory practices at the workplace. The third and final thread throws light on finding solutions by applying the principles learned earlier to build individual and organisational diversity competence. Each of the above aspects of diversity and inclusion are examined with a view to draw insights and implications for human resources management. This course hinges on experiential learning techniques for personal growth.

HRM263 - Team Dynamics


A team brings together individuals with similar interests and objectives. Teamwork originates with, and builds relationships among, a group of people who share a common interest or purpose. Working in teams allows individuals from different areas of work (e.g., marketing, finance, IT, corporate relations) with different roles (staff, volunteer, client/consumer/customer) and perhaps from different organisations to work together on issues of interest to team members. A team focuses its work on common objectives and finding solutions to shared problems. It uses formal processes such as record keeping, facilitation and scheduled meetings to achieve its objectives. This course presents the dynamics of what makes teams work and how a group of individuals can create the synergy that enhances performance to achieve positive outcomes.

HRM261 - Work Motivation


Why do we work? How can we set up desirable conditions, both for ourselves and in organizations, to foster performance while also flourishing with psychological well-being? Through HRM261 Work Motivation, students will analyse select well-evidenced theories of human motivation and how to apply them to real-world individuals, including themselves. By broadening this approach, these theories shape the key pillars for a motivating organisational culture. Furthermore, students will examine how motivation reliably differs across cultures, ages, and job classes to hone their sensitivities to diversity issues. In turn, students can contemplate how to implement an inclusive and cross-culturally collaborative environment that maximises the value of a diverse workforce to spark innovation. Finally, HRM261 tackles the issues of self-regulation, workaholism, recovery, and psychological well-being as emplaced in the modern culture of busyness prevalent in globalised countries.