CET Course
SPE205 - Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
SPE205 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) examines autism, its early signs and primary symptoms within the spectrum of autism disorder. It highlights the challenges that ASD poses to both diagnosis, treatment, intervention and teaching. The provision of support and educational placement is examined in terms of the major approaches to supporting autism needs including the strategies that have been found to be effective in managing behaviours and imparting skills based on research on autism. Support for ASD is also examined within the framework of inclusion.
SPE 309 - Mental Health Issues in Special Needs
For individuals with special needs, social and emotional difficulties manifest themselves in many ways, such as in challenging, disruptive or distressing behaviour, becoming withdrawn or isolated. Some mental health issues may underlie such difficulties as anxiety, depression or eating disorders. SPE309 Mental Health Issues in Special Needs examines some of the mental health issues that individuals with special needs may have or develop in their developmental pathways.