Educational Qualifications

Advanced Management Program, The Wharton School

BA (Hons), Philosophy, Politics & Economics, University of Oxford

Academic and Professional Experience

2016 - 2019
Senior Director, Technology Development, Home Team Academy concurrent
Director, Home Team School of Criminal Investigation, Singapore Police Force

Senior Director, Inspection and Review Division, Ministry of Home Affairs

2010 - 2014
Dy Executive Director, Council for Estate Agencies (CEA)

2005 - 2010
Director, Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB)

2004 - 2005
Dy Director CPIB

2001 - 2004
Director, Police Technology Department

1998 - 2001
Dy Director, Criminal Investigation Department (CID)

1997 - 1998
Dy Director, Joint Operations Division, Ministry of Home Affairs

1995 - 1997
Commander, Geylang Police Division

1992 - 1995
Staff Officer & Head Operations Planning, Police Operations Department

1989 - 1992
Staff Officer Special Projects, Prisons Department

1986 - 1989
Investigation Officer & Deployment Officer, Queenstown & Clementi Police Division

Selected Publications

See, P.J., Ong, C., Poon, N., Soh, K. H., Tan, S. G., Dhaliwal, S. S. (2024). Scenario-based simulation training for incident management: for whom and how. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, Vol 18, 2024, paae132,

Soh, K. H. (2024, December 5). Learning and Improving in the fight against money laundering (Conference presentation). White Collar Crime Conference – Challenges and Solutions, Derby University, Derby, UK.

Soh, K. H. (2024, October 17-18). Integration and Application of Digital Technology for Good Governance (Conference presentation). International Conference on Strategic Thinking on Modernisation of Metropolitan Governance. Shanghai Administration Institute, Shanghai, China.

Soh, K. H. et al. (2024, September 26). Next-Gen GRC in the Digital Age: A Blueprint for Transformation (Panel discussion). ALB Pan Asian Regulatory and Anti-Corruption Compliance Summit 2024, Asian Legal Business, Singapore.

Soh, K. H. et al. (2024, September 26). FCPA Enforcement Trends and Cases (Panel discussion). ALB Pan Asian Regulatory and Anti-Corruption Compliance Summit 2024. Asian Legal Business, Singapore.

Soh, K. H. (2024, September 11-13). Utilising Technology as a Weapon against Cyber-scams (Conference presentation). 2024 ACFE Fraud Conference Asia Pacific.

Soh, K. H. (2024, July 2-3). Futures Scenarios for Investigations: What New Investigation Capabilities May Law Enforcement Acquire to Combat Crime? (Meeting presentation). Interpol STRATalks 2024, Singapore.

Soh, K. H. (2024, June 12-13). Paradigm Shift in Preventing Fraud (Conference presentation). 13th Counter Fraud, Cybercrime and Forensic Accounting Conference, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK.

Soh, K. H. (2023, December 9-10). Conceptual framework – Linkage between Organised Crime and Corruption (Conference presentation). 4th Anti-Corruption Academic Symposium, UNODC, Atlanta, US.

Soh, K. H. (2023, November 16). Strengthening Global Governance Mechanism (Conference presentation). 2023 World Anti-Corruption Conference, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Soh, K. H. et al. (2023, November 21). Managing Risks in a Changing World (Panel discussion). Charity Governance Conference 2023, Singapore.

Soh, K. H. (Guest). (2023, May 18). Opening Eyes into Corporate Governance (Part 2). SUSS Podcast. Available at -

Soh, K. H. (Guest). (2023, May 9). Opening Eyes into Corporate Governance (Part 1). SUSS Podcast. Available at -

Soh, K. H. (2022, November 18-25). International Co-operation in Combating Corruption (Conference presentation) International Anti-Corruption Academy Regional Academy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Soh, K. H. (2022, July 18-21). Leveraging on Technology for Public Safety and Security (Panel presentation). 5th Asian Conference of Criminal and Operations Psychology.

Soh, K. H. (2021, June 21-23). Re-Envisioning Corporate Governance to Fight Fraud (Conference presentation). ACFE Global Fraud Conference.

Soh, K. H. (2020, September 24-25) Is there Fraud? Evidence is Key! (Conference presentation). 2020 ACFE Fraud Conference Asia Pacific.

Soh, K. H. et al. (2019, August 30 – September 9). Compliance and Collective Action (Panel presentation). Regional Summer Academy for South and East Asia, International Anti-Corruption Academy, Seoul, Korea.

Soh, K. H. (2019, July 2-4). Training Delivery for the Future (Conference presentation). Interpol World 2019, Interpol, Singapore.

Soh, K. H. (2018, June 26-28). Transforming Training through Technology & Innovation (Conference presentation). 21st Interpol Police Training Symposium, Asan, Korea.

Soh, K. H. (2010) Corruption control in Singapore in Resource Materials No. 80, United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI), Tokyo, Japan

Soh, K. H. (2010) Investigation and prosecution of corruption offences in Resource Materials No. 80, United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI), Tokyo, Japan

Soh, K. H. (2009). Singapore‘s Experience in Fighting Bribery in Business in Strategies for Business, Government and Civil Society to Fight Corruption in Asia and the Pacific. ADB-OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific.

Soh, K. H. (2009). Governance and Anti-Corruption (Conference presentation). SIIA (Singapore Institute of International Affairs) conference – Governance and Anti-Corruption: Crisis, Stimulus and Integrity. Singapore.

Soh, K. H. (2009). Keynote address at the Trans-Pacific Symposium on Dismantling Transnational Illicit Networks, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), US Department of Homeland Security and the US Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), Honolulu, US.

Soh, K. H. (2006). Ethics & Corruption Control in Corporate Ethics - Emerging Challenges and Responses. Business Times Publishing, Singapore.

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