Educational Qualifications

Masters in Public Management, National University of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Graduate Certificate in International Arbitration, National University of Singapore, Faculty of Law

Bachelor of Laws Honors (2nd Lower), University of London (External Degree)

Bachelor of Arts Honors (Philosophy) (2nd Upper), National University of Singapore

Bachelor of Arts, National University of Singapore (Political Science and Philosophy with a minor in English)

Academic and Professional Experience

2020 - Current
Director, Innovation Centre, Institute for Adult Learning (IAL), Singapore University of Social Sciences

2013 - 2020
Director, Research and Innovation, Institute for Adult Learning (IAL)

2011 - 2013
Director, Marketing and Business Services, Institute for Adult Learning (IAL)

2008 - 2011
Director, Corporate and Marketing Communications, Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA)

2005 - 2008
Deputy Director, Corporate and Marketing Communications, Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA)

Communications Manager, CPA Australia (Singapore Branch)

2001 - 2004
Assistant Director, Media Relations, Ministry of Education (Government of Singapore)

2000 - 2001
Senior Assistant Director, Public Affairs, Ministry of Information and the Arts (MITA) (Government of Singapore)

1996 - 2000
Senior Assistant Director, Public Affairs, Ministry of Trade and Industry (Government of Singapore)

1994 - 1996
Public Communications Officer, Ministry of Information and the Arts (MITA) (Government of Singapore)

1991 - 1994
Media Officer, Ministry of Information and the Arts (MITA) (Government of Singapore)

Selected Publications

Osborne, M., & Sim, S. K., Lifelong Learning in Asia: A Brief Tour, Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning, Springer International Handbooks of Education, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-67930-9

Sim, S. K. & Sheng, Y. Z., Transforming Community Learning Centres for the New Normal: The Case of Singapore, paper and presentation at forum organised by the SEAMEO Regional Centre for Lifelong Learning, Oct 2021

Editor, Lifelong Learning Policies and Practices in Singapore (Author: Tai Jo Fang), a report that was produced for the regional collaborative research and advocacy project on developing an ASEAN lifelong learning agenda initiated by the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization’s Regional Centre for Lifelong Learning (SEAMEO CELLL), with technical and financial support from the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), 2017

Editor, SkillsFuture Movement in Singapore (Author: Magdalene Lin), August 2017

Gog, S. J., Sim, S. K., Ramos, C. R., Sung, J., and Freebody, S., Enhancing the Singaporean Continuing Education and Training (CET) System and Job Quality for an Inclusive Society, Skills Strategies for an Inclusive Society, (pp 121 to 141), 2015

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