Educational Qualifications
PhD, The University of Chicago
M.A., National University of Singapore
B.A. Honours, First Class (Direct Honours), National University of Singapore
Academic and Professional Experience
2021 - Present
Professor and Provost, Singapore University of Social Sciences
2017 - 2021
Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, NUS
2010 - 2015
Vice-Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, NUS
2004 - 2010
Head, Department of English Language and Literature, NUS
2008 - 2010
Deputy Director, Asia Research Institute, NUS
1994 - 1995
Deputy Director, NUS Centre for the Arts
2011 - 2021
Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, NUS
2002 - 2011
Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, NUS
1988 - 2001
Senior Tutor, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Department of English Language and
Literature, NUS
More Information
Authored Books:
Goh, Robbie B. H.
Christopher Nolan: Filmmaker and Philosopher. London:
Bloomsbury Academic, 2022.
Wee, Lionel and Goh, Robbie B. H.
Language, Space and Cultural Play:
Theorising Affect in the Semiotic Landscape. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2020.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
Protestant Christianity in the Indian Diaspora: Abjected
Identities, Evangelical Relations, and Pentecostal Visions. Albany: State
University of New York Press, 2018.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
Contours of Culture: Space and Social Difference in
Singapore. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2005.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
Christianity in Southeast Asia. ISEAS Southeast Asia
Backgrounds Series, series ed. Saw Swee Hock, 2005.
Edited Books:
Wee, Lionel, R. B. H. Goh and Lisa Lim (eds.)
The Politics of English in Asia. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2013.
Goh, Robbie B. H. (ed.)
Narrating Race: Asia, (Trans)Nationalism, Social Change. Amsterdam: Rodopi,
Goh, Robbie B. H. and Shawn Wong (eds.)
Asian Diasporas: Cultures, Identities, Representations. Hong Kong: Hong Kong
University Press, 2004.
Goh, Robbie B. H. and Brenda S. A. Yeoh (eds.)
Theorizing the Southeast Asian City as Text. Singapore: World Scientific, 2003.
Benjamin, Andrew, Tony Davies, and Robbie B. H. Goh (eds)
Postcolonial Cultures and Literatures: Modernity and the (Un)Commonwealth. New
York: Peter Lang, 2002.
Tong, Chee Kiong, Ban Kah Choon, Anne Pakir, Robbie B. H. Goh (eds)
Ariels: Departures and Returns - A Festschrift for Edwin Thumboo. Singapore,
Oxford University Press, 2001.
Young, Robert J. C., Kah Choon Ban and Robbie B. H. Goh (eds)
The Silent Word: The Role of the Unwritten in the Production of Meaning.
Singapore: World Scientific/Singapore University Press, 1998.
Goh, Robbie B. H. (ed.)
Conflicting Identities: Essays on Modern Irish Literature. Singapore: Unipress,
Refereed Journal Articles:
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The (In)Significance of Small Things: Data, Identity and
the Dilemma of Recovery in Arundhati Roy's The Ministry of Utmost Happiness."
Studies in the Novel 53: 1 (2021) (forthcoming) (Invited contribution).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"American and Global Christianities: Unpacking Forms of
"Synchrony." American Religion, supplement on "American Religion, Askew," ed.
Hillary Kaell. Online at:
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The Experience Megachurch: Lakewood, Hillsong, and the Pragmatics and Semiotics
of 'Inspiration.'" Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture 9: 1 (2020).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Protestant Evangelical Pilgrimages: Hagiography, Supernatural Influence,
Spiritual Mapping." Journal of Cultural Geography (DOI June 2020).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Memorialising Genocide: Embodied Semiotics in Concentration Camp Memorials."
Social Semiotics 28: 1 (2018).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The Jerusalem of Jesus: Space and Pentecostal-Evangelical Branding in Orlando's
Holy Land Experience and Eureka Spring's Holy Land Tour." Culture and Religion
18: 3 (2017).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Christian Capital: Singapore, Evangelical Flows and Religious Hubs." Asian
Studies Review 40: 2 (2016).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The Anatomy of Singlish: Globalization, Mulsticulturalism and the Construction
of the 'Local' in Singapore." Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural
Development 37: 8 (2016).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Film-as-Maturion: Evangelical Christian Films and the Apostolic Church in
Asia." Material Religion 11:4 (2015).
Pinkney, A.M., J. Whalen-Bridge, R. B. H. Goh.
"De-Orienting Religious Studies: Four Genealogies of the Study of Religions in
Modern Asia." Numen 62: 4 (2015).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The Lord of the Rings and New Zealand: Fantasy Tourism, Pilgrimages,
Imaginative Transnationalism." Social Semiotics 24: 2 (2014).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Noah's Ark: Evangelical Christianity and the Creation of a Values Environment
in Hong Kong." Material Religion 10: 2 (2014).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The Semiotics of Undesirable Bodies: Transnationalism, Race Culture,
Abjection." Semiotica 200 (2014).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Engaging Future Asia: Techno-Orientalisms, Ethnography, Speculative Fiction."
Creative Industries Journal, 6: 1 (2013), special issue ed. Catherine Gomes
(invited contribution).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The Overseas Indian and the Politics of the Body in Aravind Adiga's The White
Tiger and Amitav Ghosh's The Hungry Tide." Journal of Commonwealth Literature
47: 3 (2012).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Competitive Cities and Human Scales: The Semiotics of Urban Excess." Semiotica
185 1/4 (June 2011).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
Narrating "Dark" India in Londonstani and The White Tiger: Sustaining Identity."
Journal of Commonwealth Literature 46: 2 (June 2011).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Christianity, Transnationalism, and Indian Identities: The Problematic Role of
Religion in Diasporas" Journal of Religion and Society 13 (2011).
Henriette Steiner with Robbie B. H. Goh
"Dead Ends and New Beginnings: Memories of Singapore." Dear Magazin 2 (Summer
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The Postclone-nial in Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go and Amitav Ghosh's The
Calcutta Chromosome: Science and the Body in the Asian Diaspora." ARIEL: A
Review of International English Literature 41: 3-4 (2010).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The Cultural Politics of Christianity in India: Representations and
Negotiations of an 'Inclusive Other." South Asian Review 30: 1 (2009) (invited
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Christian Identities in Singapore: Religion, Race and Culture between State
Controls and Transnational Flows." Journal of Cultural Geography 26: 1 (2009).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Stevenson's Financial Gothic: Money, Commerce, Language, and the Horror of
Modernity in 'The Isle of Voices'" Gothic Studies 10: 2 (2008).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Myths of Reversal: Backwards Narratives, Normative Schizophrenia and the
Culture of Causal Agnosticism." Social Semiotics 18: 1 (2008).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Hillsong and 'Megachurch' Practice: Semiotics, Spatial Logic, and the
Embodiment of Contemporary Evangelical Protestantism" Material Religion 4: 3
November 2008.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The Anxiety of Influences: Dis-Locating Authority, Culture and Identity in the
Novels of Colin Cheong." Journal of Commonwealth Literature 42: 3 (2007), 45-62.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The 'Chinese YMCA': Christianity, Colonialism, and Cultural and Ethnic Fault
Lines in Singapore." Crossroads 18: 2 (2007).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The Native Body and Exchange Culture: Race, Narrative and Geopolitics in
Rudyard Kipling's Kim." Fiction and Drama 18: 1 (2007). (Invited contribution,
from invited and fully funded conference presentation).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Imagining the Nation: the Role of Singapore Poetry in English in 'Emergent
Nationalism,'" Journal of Commonwealth Literature 41: 2 (2006), 21-42.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Sword Play: The Cultural Semiotics of Violent Scapegoating and Sexual and
Racial Othering." Semiotica 160-1/4 (2006), 69-94.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Religion" and "Religious Sites." Theory, Culture and Society 23: 2-3 (2006),
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Reading Holmes: Capital and the Sign of the Market in The Hound of the
Baskervilles." Semiotica160-1/4 (2006), 95-114.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The Internet and Christianity in Asia: Cultural Trends, Structures and
Transformations" International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 29: 4
(2005), 831-848.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Asian Christian Networks: Transnational Structures and Geopolitical Mappings"
Journal of Religion and Society 6 (2004), 1-13.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"(M)othering the Nation: Guilt, Sexuality and the Commercial State in
Coleridge's Gothic Poetry." Journal of Narrative Theory 33: 3 (Fall 2003),
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Textual Spaces, Social Identities and Race in Singapore Advertising." European
Journal of Cultural Studies 6: 1 (2003), 131-156.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Of New Covenants and Nationalisms: Christianity and the Poetry of Edwin Thumboo
and Lee Tzu Pheng." Ariel: Review of International English Literature 34: 2-3
(April-July 2003), 171-196.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Shop-Soiled Worlds: Retailing Narratives, Typologies, and Commodity Culture"
Social Semiotics 12: 1 (2002), 5-26.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Singapore Poetry in English: A Question of the Nation." The Literary Criterion
XXXVII: 3 and 4 (2002). (Invited contribution, from invited and partially funded
conference presentation).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Ideologies of 'Upgrading' in Singapore Public Housing: Postmodern Style,
Globalisation and Class Construction in the Built Environment." Urban Studies
38: 9(2001), 1589-1604.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"'Clockwork' Language Reconsidered: Iconicity and Narrative in Anthony Burgess's
A Clockwork Orange." Journal of Narrative Theory 30: 2 (2001), 263-280.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Powers and Horrors: Colonial Gothic Narrative as Socially Symbolic Act."
Atlantic Literary Review, 2: 2 (2001), 90-108 (invited contribution).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Composing the Modern Nation: Mission School Magazines, Literary Models and
Cultural Typologies in Colonial Singapore." Journal of Commonwealth Literature
36: 1 (2001), 59-74.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Sydney's 'Queer Space': Ambiguous Urban Narratives, Commodification and
Cosmopolitanism." Hybridity 1: 1 (2000), 77-104.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Consuming Spaces: Clive Barker, William Gibson and the Cultural Poetics of
Postmodern Fantasy." Social Semiotics 10:1 (2000), 21-40.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Supernatural Interactions, Eastern Ghosts and Postmodern Narrative: Angela
Carter's Fireworks." Ariel: Review of International English Literature 30: 3
(July 1999), 63-90.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Peter O'Donnell, Race Relations and National Identity: The Dynamics of
Representation in 1960s and 1970s Britain." Journal of Popular Culture 32: 4
(1999), 29-43.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Textual Hyde and Seek: 'Gentility,' Narrative Play and Proscription in
Stevenson's Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde." Journal of Narrative Theory 29: 2 (Spring
1999), 158-183.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"In Pursuit of the Thing: Umberto Eco's Semiotics, Narrative and the Detective
Story in The Name of The Rose." AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities
Modern Language Association, 73 (May 1990), 24-38.
Chapters in Books:
Goh, Robbie B. H.
“Digital Materiality in Protestant Evangelical Christianity.” Oxford Handbook of Digital Religion, ed. Heidi A. Campbell and Pauline Cheong. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024 (invited contribution).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
“What is a ‘Site’? Human Scales, Embodied Experiences, and the Physical-Digital Divide.” Sight as Site in the Digital Age: Art, the Museum, and Representation, ed. Kwok-kan Tam. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2023
Goh, Robbie B. H.
“Semiotics of Affect: Popular Events, Spectators, and the Event Economy.” Open Semiotics, ed. Amir Biglari. 4 vols. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2023, vol 1. (invited contribution).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
“Rural-to-Urban Migration and Precarity in The Story of My Assassins, Q & A and The White Tiger.” Representations of Precarity in South Asian Literatures in English, ed. Om Prakash Dwivedi. Cham, Switzerland: Springer/Palgrave Macmillan, 2022 (invited contribution).
"Spiritual Longing and Religio-Cultural Negotiation in the Indian Diaspora: Reflections from Indian Writing in English." Interconnections of Asian Diaspora, ed. Sam George. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2022 (invited contribution).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Afterword: Digitised Religions, Physical Practices, and
the 'Rich-Poor' Divide." Religion, Hypermobility and Digital Media in Global
Asia: Faith, Flows and Fellowship," ed. Catherine Gomes, Orlando Wood, Lily
Kong. Amsterdam: Amsterdam UP, 2020 (invited contribution).
Goh, Robbie and Hillary Kaell.
"Practices of Relation: Goh and Kaell." Book
dialogue (invited contribution). The Immanent Frame, 26 June 2020. Online at:
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Digitale und Mediale Strategen der 'Prasenz' in Protestantischen Megakirchen." ("Digital
and Media Strategies of 'Presence' in Protestant Megachurche, trans. into German
by Alicia Dienerowitz).
Christentum Medial: Religiose Kommunikation in digitaler Kultur, ed. Esther
Berg-Chan and Martin
Luber. Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustat, 2020. (Invited contribution, from
invited/funded conference
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"'Bihar' as Anti-Pilgrimage Site: Christian Missions, Cultural
Osmosis and Religious
Geography." Religious Journeys in India, ed. Andrea Pinkney and John
Whalen-Bridge. Albany: SUNY
Press, 2019.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Migration." Handbook of Popular Spiritual Movements in
Malaysia, Singapore and
Indonesia, ed. Michael Nai-Chiu Poon and John Roxborogh. Singapore: Trinity
Theology College.
(Invited contribution)
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Magical Realism and Transnational Realities in The Circle of
Reason." Approaches to
Teaching Amitav Ghosh, ed. John Hawley and Gaurav Desai. Modern Language
Association, 2019.
(Invited contribution)
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Christianity and the Indian Diaspora." Routledge Handbook of
Postsecularity, ed. Justin
Beaumont. Routledge, 2018. (Invited contribution)
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Global Goondas? Money, Crime and Social Anxieties in Aravind
Adiga's Writings." Writing
in English and the Global Literary Market, ed. Om Dwivedi and Lisa Lau.
Houndmills: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2014. (Invited contribution)
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Competition and Constructedness: Sports, Migration and Diversity in Singapore."
Migration and Diversity in Asian Contexts, ed. Lai Ah Eng, Brenda S. A. Yeoh and
Francis Collins.
Singapore: ISEAS, 2013.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Art, Bricolage and the City: the ABCs of Singapore." The
Mapping Series Reader
(Singapore Biennale 2013). Singapore: National Library Board/Singapore Art
Museum, 2014. (Invited
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Uncertain Locale: The Dialectics of Space and the Cultural
Politics of English in
Singapore," in Wee, Lionel, Robbie B. H. Goh and Lisa Lim (eds.), The Politics
of English in Asia.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2013.
Wee, Lionel, Lisa Lim, and R. B. H. Goh
"Conclusion," in Wee, Lionel, Robbie B.
H. Goh and Lisa Lim (eds.),
The Politics of English in Asia. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2013.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The City and the Economy of 'Losing': Targetting Competitive
Bodies in an Era of Global
Competition." City as Target, ed. Ryan Bishop, John Phillips and Gregory Clancey.
New York: Routledge,
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Christianity and Islam in Southeast Asia." Oxford Islamic
Studies Online, Oxford University
Press, section editor Imtiaz Yusof, general editor Robert Repino. (invited
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Inner Circles and the Voice of the Shuttle: Native Forms and
Narrative Structure in Amitav Ghosh's The Circle of Reason." History, Narrative, and Testimony in Amitav Ghosh's Fiction, ed.
Chitra Sankaran. Albany: SUNY Press, 2012.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Market Theory, Market Theology: The Business of the Church in the City." Postsecular
Cities, ed. Justin Beaumont and Chris Baker. London: Continuum, 2011. (Invited
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Introduction: Writing Race and Asia-Pacific Mobilities—Constructions and
in Narrating Race: Asia, (Trans)Nationalism, Social Change, ed. Robbie B. H. Goh.
Amsterdam: Rodopi,
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The Return of the Scientist: Essential Knowledge and Global
Tribalism in Amitav Ghosh's
The Hungry Tide and The Calcutta Chromosome," in Narrating Race: Asia,
(Trans)Nationalism, Social
Change, ed. Robbie B. H. Goh. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2011.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Cyberasian: Science, Hybridity, Modernity, and the Asian
Body." Contemporary Asian
Modernities: Transnationality, Interculturality, and Hybridity, ed. Yiu-Wai Chu
and Eva Kit-Wah Man.
Bern: Peter Lang, 2010. (Invited contribution, from invited conference
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The Geopolitics of Criticism: The Sea as Liminal Symbol in
Stevenson's The Ebb Tide
and Conrad's An Outcast of the Islands." Stevenson and Conrad: Writers of Land
and Sea, ed. Stephen
Arata, Linda Dryden and Eric Massie. Texas Tech University Press, 2009. (Invited
contribution, from
invited conference participation)
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Mission Schools in Singapore: The 'Religious Harmony' State,
the Construction of Social Identitites, and the Negotiation of Evangelical Cultures." Religious Diversity
in Singapore, ed. Lai Ah
Eng. Singapore: IPS/ISEAS/LKYSPP, 2008.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Writing 'the Global' in Singapore Anglophone Fiction:
Language, Vision and Resonance
in Hwee Hwee Tan's Fiction." China Fictions/English Language: Literary Essays in
Diaspora, Memory,
Story, ed. A. Robert Lee. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2008. (Invited contribution)
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Criticism, Values, Identity: A Christian Position on
Literature." Sights and Sounds: A
Christian Response to the Creative Arts, ed. Robert Solomon and Lim K Tham.
Singapore: Genesis
Books/National Council of Churches, 2006, pp. 181-199. (Invited contribution)
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Stevenson and the Property of Language: Narrative, Value,
Modernity." R. L. Stevenson:
Writer of Boundaries, ed. Richard Ambrosini and Richard Dury. Wisconsin:
Wisconsin University Press, 2006, pp. 169-180. (Invited contribution, from
invited conference participation)
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Evangelical Economies and Abjected Spaces: Cultural
Territorialisation in Singapore"
in Beyond Description: Singapore Space Historicity, ed. Ryan Bishop, John
Phillips and Yeo Wei Wei.
New York and London: Routledge, 2004, pp. 95-111.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Introduction - the Culture of Asian Diasporas:
Integrating/Interrogating (Im)migration,
Habitus, Textuality." Asian Diasporas: Cultures, Identities, Representations,
ed. Robbie B. H. Goh and
Shawn Wong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2004, pp. 1-14.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Diaspora and Violence: Cultural/Spatial Production, Abjection
and Exchange." Asian
Diasporas: Cultures, Identities, Representations, ed. Robbie B. H. Goh and Shawn
Wong. Hong Kong:
Hong Kong University Press, 2004, pp. 33-52.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The Mission School in Singapore: Colonialism, Moral Training,
Pedagogy, and the
Creation of Modernity" in Asian Migrants and Education, ed. Michael W. Charney,
Brenda Yeoh and
Tong Chee Kiong. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer, 2003, pp. 27-37.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Deus ex Machina: Evangelical Sites, Urbanism, and the Construction of Social
Postcolonial Urbanism: Southeast Asian Cities and Global Processes, ed. Ryan
Bishop, John Phillips
and Yeo Wei Wei. New York and London: Routledge, 2003, pp. 305-321
Coh, Robbie B. H. and Brenda S. A. Yeoh
"Introduction: Urbanism and
Postcolonial Nationalities: Theorising
the Southeast Asian City" in Theorizing the Southeast Asian City as Text, ed.
Robbie B. H. Goh and
Brenda S. A. Yeoh. Singapore: World Scientific, 2003, pp. 1-11.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Things to a Void: Utopian Discourse, Communality and
Constructed Interstices in
Singapore Public Housing" in Theorizing the Southeast Asian City as Text, ed.
Robbie B. H. Goh and
Brenda S. A. Yeoh. Singapore: World Scientific, 2003, pp 51-75.
Tay, Kheng Soon with Robbie B. H. Goh
"Reading the Southeast Asian City in the
Context of Rapid Economic
Growth" in Theorizing the Southeast Asian City as Text, ed. Robbie B. H. Goh and
Brenda S. A. Yeoh.
Singapore: World Scientific, 2003, pp. 13-27.
Davies, Tony, and Robbie B. H. Goh
"Introduction: Britishness and the Construction of Postcolonial Identities,"
in Constructing British Identities: Texts, Sub-Texts and Contexts, ed. Andrew
Benjamin, Tony Davies
and Robbie Goh (New York: Peter Lang, 2002), pp. xiii-xx.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Subversive Modernity: Coleridge, Gothic Imagery, the 'Body
Politic,' and the contestation
of the Romantic Nation-State" in Constructing British Identities: Texts,
Sub-Texts and Contexts, ed.
Andrew Benjamin, Tony Davies and Robbie Goh (New York: Peter Lang, 2002), pp.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Shame, Soil and Spectres - Kipling's Colonial Gothic
Narrative," in Ariels: Departures and
Returns, eds. Tong Chee Kiong et al (Singapore: Oxford University Press, 2001,
pp. 248-266).
Goh, Robbie B. H., Tong C. K., K. C. Ban, A. Pakir
"Edwin Thumboo and "The
Experience of the 'Third Worlds,'" in Ariels: Departures and Returns, eds. Tong C. K., Ban K. C., A.
Pakir and R. B. H. Goh.
Singapore: Oxford University Press, 2001, pp. 3-14.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Iconicity in Advertising Signs: Motive and Method in Miming
'The Body,'" in Iconicity in
Language and Literature, ed. Max Naenny and Olga Fischer (Amsterdam: John
Benjamins, 2001),
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The Sense of the Past in Singapore Poetry." In Memories and
Desires: A Poetic History
of Singapore, ed. Robbie B. H. Goh. Singapore: Unipress, 1998, pp. xvi-xxxv.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Unwritten Fetishes and Rhetorical Strategies in Matthew
Arnold's Criticism." In The Silent
Word: The Role of the Unwritten in the Production of Meaning, ed. Robert J. C.
Young, Ban Kah Choon,
and Robbie B. H. Goh. Singapore: World Scientific/Singapore University Press,
1998, pp. 135-144.
Goh, Robbie B. H. and Ban Kah Choon
"Silences and Meaning: Metacritical
Politics. In The Silent Word:
The Role of the Unwritten in the Production of Meaning, ed. Robert J. C. Young,
Ban Kah Choon, and
Robbie B. H. Goh. Singapore: World Scientific/Singapore University Press, 1998,
pp. xi-xxi.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"W. B. Yeats's 'Symbolical Histories': Writing Polity and Nation from the
Aesthetic Right."
In Conflicting Identities: Essays on Modern Irish Literature, ed. Robbie B. H.
Goh. Singapore: Unipress,
1997, pp. 165-190.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"(Re)Configuring the 'Conflicting Identities' in Irish
Literature." In Conflicting Identities:
Essays on Modern Irish Literature, ed. Robbie B. H. Goh. Singapore: Unipress,
1997, pp. i-vii.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The Romance of Anguish and the Forms of Young Singaporean
Writing." In First Words:
A Selection of Works by Young Writers in Singapore, ed. Ma, B; A. S. Maniam et
al. Singapore: Unipress,
1996, pp. xvii-xxxiii.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Teaching English Romanticism: The Relevance of History." In
Challenges of Reading the
New and the Old, ed. Lim Chee Seng. Kuala Lumpur: Department of English,
University of Malaya/
MACLALS, 1995, pp. 109-130. (Invited contribution, from invited and partially
funded conference
Chapters (reprints, by invitation):
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"The Anxiety of Influences: Dis-Locating Authority, Culture and Identity in the
Novels of Colin Cheong." China Fictions/English Language: Literary Essays in
Diaspora, Memory, Story, ed. A. Robert Lee. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2008. (Invited
contribution, reprint of article in JCL 43: 1 (2008).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Singapore Poetry in English: A Question of the Nation." Asian Identity in
Literature, ed. C. D. Narasimhaiah and C. N. Srinath. Mysore: Literary
Criterion/Dhvanyaloka, 2004, pp. 94-112. (Invited contribution, reprint of
Literary Criterion XXXVII: 3 and 4, 2002).
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"'Clockwork' Language Reconsidered: Iconicity and Narrative in Anthony Burgess's
A Clockwork Orange." Redacted version of article in Journal of Narrative Theory
30: 2 (2001), 263-280 reprinted in the Norton Critical Edition of A Clockwork
Orange, ed. Mark Rawlinson.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
"Supernatural Interactions, Eastern Ghosts and Postmodern Narrative: Angela
Carter's Fireworks."Ariel: Review of International English Literature 30: 3
(July 1999), 63-90. Reprinted in Twentieth Century Literature Criticism vol. 139
(2003), ed. Linda Pavlovski.
Anthologies and General Readership Books:
Goh, Robbie B. H.
Blessed to be a Blessing: The Methodist Missions Society, Singapore. Singapore:
Methodist Missions Society, 2014.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
Christian Ministry and the Asian Nation: The Metropolitan YMCA in Singapore,
1946-2006. Singapore: Metropolitan YMCA/Armour Publishing, 2006. 207 pp, with
chronology and archival photos, hardback and paperback.
Goh, Robbie B. H.
Sparks of Grace: The Story of Methodism in Asia. Singapore: Methodist Church in
Singapore, 2003.
Goh, Robbie B. H. (ed.)
Memories and Desires: A Poetic History of Singapore (In English, Tamil, Malay
and Chinese, with translations and an introduction). Singapore: Unipress, 1998.
E. Thumboo, Y. W. Wong, K. C. Ban, N. Govindasamy, S. Maaruf, R. Goh
and P. Chan (ed)
Journeys: Words, Home and Nation—Anthology of Singapore Poetry 1984-1995.
Singapore: Unipress, 1995.
2021 - Present
Editorial Board Member, CrossCurrents
2013 - Present
Editorial Board Member, Semiotica
2009 - 2016
Co-Chief Editor, ARI-Springer Book Series
2007 - 2015
Editorial Advisory Board Member, The Open Geography Journal, Bentham Science
2007 - 2014
Editorial Advisory Board Member, The Open Urban Studies Journal, Bentham Science
2002 - 2004
Editorial Committee Member, Times Publishing, Literature and Drama Cluster
2000 - Present
Editorial Board Member, Lemmata (Electronic Journal)
1999 - 2002
Editorial Board Member, H-SEASIA
1997 - 2005
Advisory Editor (South-east Asian Anglophone Studies), Annotated Bibliography of
English Studies
1996 - 2000
Co-founding Editor, Hybridity
Cultural Politics
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies
Urban Geography
Journal of Commonwealth Literature
The Open Urban Studies Journal
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
Population, Space and Place
City and Society
Body & Society
Culture and Religion
Theory Culture & Society
MOSAIC: Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature
Asian Journal of Social Science
Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture
Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia
ARIEL: A Review of International English Literatures
Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture
Journal of Intercultural Studies
Journal of Youth Studies
Journal of Cultural Geography
Emotion, Space and Society
Asian Studies Review
Malaysian Journal of Chinese Studies
ARI Working Paper Series
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology
Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture
Studies in the Novel
Heritage and Society
Pennsylvania State University Press
Hong Kong University Press
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Press
Edinburgh University Press
- Member, Social Sciences Research Council Singapore (2021-present)
- Literary Assessor for Publishing Grants, National Arts Council
- External Reviewer for Hong Kong Universities Research Grants Council
- External Grant Reviewer for Belgian Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS)
- External Visiting Committee member for Department of English, Sultan Qaboos University Oman (2016)
- External Reviewer for Hong Kong Baptist University RAE 2019
- Member, Charity Council (2024-present)
- Advisory Panel Member, Metropolitan YMCA (2018-present)
- Co-Chair, NUS Resilience and Growth Innovation Challenge Panel on “Make Society Better (2021)
- Council Member, English Language Institute of Singapore (2011-2013)
- Council Member, National Council of YMCAs of Singapore (2009-2016)
- Board of Directors of Metropolitan YMCA (co-opted member 2007-2009, full member 2009–2016; 2nd Vice-President, (2012-2016)
- Member of MOE CPDB Secondary Literature Text Selection Advisory Panel (2006, 2010)
- Member of Advisory Committee for Programmes (English Language and Literature), Singapore Institute of Management (2005-2012)
- Linguistic Consultant for OCBC Corporate Communications Group (2005-2009)
- Chair of Organizing Committee, NUS CFA-MOE GEB Creative Arts Camp 2003 and 2004, and Editorial Advisor to the Eye on the World: Engaging Ourselves anthology
- Member of Judging Panel and Co-line Manager, NUS-FASS and The Old Parliament House Writing Fellowship (2004-2010)
- Member of Singapore Nominating Committee, SEA Write Award (2003, 2006)
- Linguistic Editor for Ministry of Education Social Studies Packages (2001, 2005 - 2008)
- Chief Judge, Montblanc-NUS Centre for the Arts Literature Awards (1996, 1997, 1998)
- Member, National Arts Council Committee on Arts Education (1996 - 1997)
- Member, National Book Development Council (1995, 1996)
- Leader of Singapore Delegation to the Second ASEAN Universities Arts Council Meeting (Brunei, 1997)
- Singapore Representative and elected Vice-President, ASEAN Literature Workshop Planning Committee (Manila, 1994)
- National Council of Social Service Long Service Award (for 5 years voluntary service to community)
- 5 FASS Faculty Excellent Teacher Awards - 2014, 2013, 2010, 2009, 2006
- 2 NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Awards - 2012/13, 2008/09
- Fulbright Fellowship - 1998
- British Council/NUS Travel Grant - 1995
- NUS Overseas Graduate Scholarship - 1989-1993