Educational Qualifications
MPhil and PhD, Cambridge University, UK
BA (Physics), Cambridge University, UK
Academic and Professional Experience
2008 - 2012
Director, Education Technology Division
2003 - 2008
Associate Professor/Dean, Foundation Programmes, NIE
2000 - 2003
Divisional Director, Academic Computing and Information Services, NIE
1999 - 2000
Associate Professor/Sub-Dean, Deputy Head of Centre for IT in Education, NIE
1994 - 1998
Lecturer, NIE
1992 - 1994
Senior Scientific Officer, Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research
Selected Publications
Horn Mun Cheah and Kenneth Y T LIM (2015).
Mediating approaches to the use of ICT in Teaching and Learning through the lenses of ‘Craft’ and ‘Industrial’ Educator”. Journal of Computers in Education. Pg. 1-11.
Horn-Mun Cheah and Laura Lynn Lee;
‘Two Decades of ICT Masterplans: A Comparison’, European Conference on Technology in the Classroom (pp. 51-69), Brighton, UK (2015).
Chew Leng POON, Sean TAN, Horn Mun CHEAH, Pik Yen LIM and Hui Leng NG;
‘Student and Teacher Responses Across Collaborative Problem Solving and Learning Through Digital Networks in Singapore’; In Patrick Griffin and Esther Care (Eds) Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills. Springer (2015), Pg 199-212.
HM Cheah and Kenneth Lim,
‘Fostering adaptivity through systemic reform: Transforming education through the framework of ‘Preparing Students Abilities and Competencies through Education in Singapore (PACES)’; In Hung, D, KYT Lim and SS Lee (Eds) Adaptivity as a transformative disposition for learning in 21st century. Springer (2014) Pg. 201-228.
Lim Cher Ping and Cheah Horn Mun;
‘Situating Practitioner Research in Future Schools’, in ‘A School’s Journey into the Future’; Pearson (2010) Pg. 3-14.
HM Cheah, (2010).
‘National Strategies to Build a Technology Workforce’. International Encyclopaedia of Education, 3rd Edition. Elsevier, 66-72.
Lee, Y.-J., Hung, W.L.D., & Cheah, H.M.
‘IT and educational policy in the Pacific-Asian region’, In J. Voogt & G. Knezek (Eds.), International handbook of information technology in education. Dordrecht: Springer (2009) Pg.1119-1132
Horn-Mun CHEAH, Chew-Leng POON and Thiam-Seng KOH.
‘Preparing Science Students for the Future in Singapore’. Japan Journal of Research in Science Education 50 (1) (2009) 93-103.
Cheah Horn Mun and Wong, Philip.
‘Current Status of ICT in Education in Singapore’, invited paper for KERIS’s comparative ICT studies (2007). Published in Korean Journal of Education 1(1), 23-73.
Hung WL David, HM Cheah, H Chun and WS Cheung;
‘Engaged Learning: Making Learning an Authentic Experience’; Teaching and Learning, 25 (1) (2004) 1-17
Cheah, H.M., Hung, D., Wong, P.
‘Design-Artifacts in Learning: The Mediation of Emotions and Ideas for Innovation’; Educational Technology 44 (6) (2004) 46-50
PME Shutler and HM Cheah;
‘Applying Boltzmann’s definition of Entropy’; Eur. J. Phys. 19 (1998) 371.
A Porch, HM Cheah and JR Waldram;
`Microwave response of aligned YBa2Cu3O7 powders’; Physica B 165 (1990) 1197-8.
HM Cheah, A Porch and JR Waldram;
‘Microwave conductivity of powdered, unaligned YBa2Cu3O7’; Physica B 165 (1990) 1195-6.