Educational Qualifications
PhD - Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Thesis: Pedestrians and cyclists mobility models)
BE - Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Kaohsiung/ Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Academic and Professional Experience
2018 - 2019
Project Officer. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Project tittle: Walking and Cycling Demand Modelling at Neighbourhood Level -
2017 - 2018
Principal Investigator. Cyclists' visual behaviour model project.
Supported by the Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Welfare Foundation Research Grant -
2014 - 2018
Research Supporter (PhD Candidate). Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Several projects related to active mobility, travel behaviour and demand analysis -
2014 - 2018
Co-supervisor (PhD Candidate). Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Several Final Year & URECA projects @ School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Selected Publications
- Google Schoolar:
- Mok, WY, Tan, C., & Rojas Lopez, M. C. (2023), Electric Light Good Vehicles in Singapore. An Economic, Environmental, and Operational Review. Journal of Resilient Economies, Vol. 3 No. 2. DOI:
- Rojas Lopez, M. C., Loh, HS. Last-Mile Delivery Innovations for Parcels Collection in Singapore. Sustainability, Economics, Innovation, Globalisation and Organisational Psychology (SEIGOP) Conference 2023.
- Che, MH., Wong, Y. D., Lum, K.M., & Rojas Lopez, M.C. (2021), Users’ Behavioral Intention and their Behavior: Before-and-After Study of “Keep Left” Markings on Shared Footpaths. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 1-9.
- Rojas Lopez, M. C., & Wong, Y. D. (2019). Process and Determinants of Mobility Decision – A Holistic and Dynamic Framework. Travel Behaviour and Society 17, 120-129.
- Rojas Lopez, M. C., Recalde Melo, D. F., & Wong, Y. D. (2019). Transport Barriers and Its Health Implications in Asunción. Journal of Transport & Health 14, 100579.
- Rojas Lopez, M. C., Trin, D. T., & Wong Y. D. (31 Oct – 1 Nov 2019). Transitioning through different stages of transport planning in urban areas. IConference on Geotechnical, Structural and Construction Engineering (CIGOS 2019). Hanoi, Vietnam.