Educational Qualifications
EdD W.Aust.
Academic and Professional Experience
- Deputy Director, TLC, SUSS
- Senior Lecturer, SUSS
Selected Publications
Lye, C. Y., & Lim, L. (2024).
Interpreting Rasch ability and difficulty estimates to inform Mathematics learning through an adaptive learning system. In Q. Zhang. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Pacific-Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS 2023) Vol. 23 (pp. 502-509). Springer Nature.
Lye, C. Y., & Lim, L. (2024).
Generative artificial intelligence in tertiary education: Assessment redesign principles and considerations. Education Sciences, 14(6), 569.
Lim, L., Lim, S. H., & Lim, W. Y. R. (2023).
Efficacy of an adaptive learning system on course scores. Systems, 11(1), 244.
Lin, F., Lim, L., Ho, Y. Y., Tan, B. Z., & Lim, W. Y. R. (2023).
Validating and applying an adapted OSLQ to examine adult learners’ online self-regulation. Higher Education Research & Development. Advance online publication.
A Rasch analysis of students’ academic motivation toward Mathematics in an adaptive learning system. Behavioral Sciences, 12(7), 244.
Zhao, J., Lim, L., Chapman, E., & Houghton, S. (2022).
Validation of the Mental Health Changes Indicators Scale against Rasch measurement theory. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 50(10), e11935.
Lim, L., & Chapman, E. (2022).
Validation of the Moral Reasoning Questionnaire against Rasch Measurement Theory. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 16.
Lim, L., Lim, S. H., & Lim, W. Y. R. (2022).
Measuring learner satisfaction of an adaptive learning system. Behavioral Sciences, 12(8), 264.
Lim, L., & Chapman, E. (2022).
Development and preliminary validation of the Moral Reasoning Questionnaire for secondary school students. SAGE Open, 12(1).
Lim, L., & Ho, Y. Y. (2022).
Supporting student learning needs in tertiary education: Institutional support structures based on the Institutional Support Questionnaire. Behavioral Sciences, 12(8), 244.
Lim, L., & Bo, W. V. (2021).
Evaluating the efficacy of English proficiency on initial semestral results for higher education L1 English speakers in a multilingual context. Higher Education Evaluation and Development, 15(2), 82-97.
Lim, L., Chapman, E. (2021).
Moral reasoning in secondary education curriculum: An operational definition. International Journal of Ethics Education, 7(1), 131-146.
Ho, Y.Y., & Lim, L. (2021).
Targeting student learning needs: The development and preliminary validation of the Learning Needs Questionnaire for a diverse university student population. Higher Education Research & Development, 40(7), 1452-1465.
Lim, L. & Chapman, E. (2021).
Moral reasoning assessment for Singapore secondary schools: A review. Issues in Educational Research, 31(4), 1121-1137.
Ho, Y. Y., & Lim, L. (2020).
Connecting characteristics with learning behaviours: A report of learning behaviours exhibited by adult learners pursuing tertiary education in an Asian context. Proceedings of the Adult Education in Global Times Conference 2020, 315-323.
Lim, L. (2019).
Development and initial validation of the computer-delivered test acceptance questionnaire for secondary and high school students. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 38(2), 182-194.
Koh, K., Lim, L., Tan, C., & Habib, M. (2015).
Building teachers’ capacity in formative assessment: The Singapore example. The New Educational Review, 40(2), 211-221.
Lim, L. (2014).
How to make the reporting of test results more meaningful? In Toh, P.G., & Leong, S.C. (Eds.), Assessment in Singapore: Perspectives for classroom practice. Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board.