Educational Qualifications

Mr Lian Wee Cheow has been appointed as the Chairman of SUSS's Accountancy Programme Advisory Committee in 1 July 2018. In this position, Wee Cheow also becomes an Adjunct Professor of SUSS.

Wee Cheow is a Fellow Practising Chartered Accountant of the Singapore Institute of Chartered Accountants as well as a Fellow Chartered Accountant of Australia and New Zealand. Wee Cheow is presently a Partner of PwC Singapore. He has over 30 years of working experience in the accountancy industry, having also worked in Australia and the UK, besides Singapore. Wee Cheow carries out both assurance and advisory work for a wide range of financial services clients in Singapore and the region. His current and recent past clients include OCBC Bank, HSBC, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Commerzbank, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Barclays and CLSA Group.

Wee Cheow is a senior partner of PwC and is on its wider leadership team. He is presently on the Board of Partners of the Combined China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan (‘CaSTH’) Firm. The Board is the highest governance body of CaTSH. Wee Cheow also leads the Banking and Capital Markets Practice for Singapore and chairs the Risk and Quality Committee of PwC's Financial Services Group. Wee Cheow also looks after Partners' Affairs and is on the Firm's Talent Council. He is also PwC Singapore's Ethics and Business Conduct Leader.

Outside of PwC, Wee Cheow also holds the following appointments beside his roles at SUSS: (1) Chairman of the Audit Committee and Board Member of the Singapore International Foundation, (2) Secretary to Lee Foundation, (3) Chairman of the Banking and Finance Committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Singapore, (4) Singapore's Public Accountants’ Oversight Board’s Ethics Committee, (5) Chairman of Anderson Secondary School Advisory Board.

Academic and Professional Experience