Educational Qualifications
PhD, Imperial College London, UK
MEng, Nanyang Technological University
BEng (Hon Class I), University of Leeds
Academic and Professional Experience
2017 - 2021
Associate Professor, Director, Educational Technology & Production, Director, Online Learning, SUSS
2014 - 2017
Associate Professor, Director, Master of IT in Business (Analytics), SMU
2006 - 2014
Assistant Professor (Practice/Education), SMU
2003 - 2006
Assistant VP, Product Development (R&D), Y3 Technologies, YCH Group
2002 - 2003
Research Fellow, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, A*Star
2000 - 2002
Graduate Student, University of Cambridge
1998 - 2000
PhD Candidate, Imperial College
1997 - 1998
Associate Research Fellow, Gintic Institute of Manufacturing Technology
1995 - 1997
Product Engineer, Reed Tool Singapore Pte Ltd
1993 - 1995
Teaching Assistant, NTU
Selected Publications
Yeung, S. K., and Lee, W. L. (2019)
Full Online Learning and Blended e-Learning: A Comparison of Students' Performance,
IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education (TALE).
Yeung, S. K., and Lee, W. L. (2019)
Online Versus Face-to-Face: A Quantitative Study of Factors Influencing Students’ Choice of Study Mode using Chi-Square Test and Binary Logistic Regression.
36th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Education Technologies in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE2019), pp. 338-346.
Lee, W.L., Tan, K.W., Lim, Z.Y., (2017)
A Data-Driven Approach for Benchmarking Energy Efficiency of Warehouses Buildings,
Proceeding of the 3rd edition of the International Conference PROLOG, France.
Lee, W.L., (2016)
Scrum-X: An Interactive and Experiential Learning Platform for Teaching Scrum,
7th International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics (ICETI 2016),
USA. (Best paper award).
Tan, H.C., and Lee, W.L., (2015)
Evaluation and Improvement of Procurement Process with Data Analytics, International
Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 6, 8, pp. 70-80.
Lee, W.L., (2013)
Real-Life Vehicle Routing with Non-Standard Constraints, Proceedings of the
World Congress on Engineering & Computer Science, 432 - 437, London.
Lee, W.L., (2011)
Spreadsheet Based Experiential Learning Environment for Project Management,
Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference: (WSC), USA.
Allwood, J.M., Lee, W.L., (2004)
The impact of job rotation on problem solving skills, International Journal
of Production Research, 42(5), 865-881.
Lee, W.L., Allwood, J.M., (2003)
Lean Manufacturing in temperature dependent processes with interruptions, International
Journal of Operations & Production Management, 23(110), 1377-1400.
Allwood, J.M., Lee, W.L., (2001)
Lean manufacturing with temperature dependent processes, Conference proceedings:
IPMM, Vancouver, Canada.