Ph.D. in Management, National University of Singapore
Master of Science in Business Administration, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Bachelor in Electric Commerce, Shandong Normal University, China
Academic and Professional Experience
2019 - 2021 Teaching Assistant (EMBA, MBA, BBA), NUS Business School
2015 - 2016
Incubator Specialist, Qingdao National High-tech Zone Incubator, China
2013 - 2014
Project Specialist, Hisense International, China
Selected Publications
Cao, J., & Song, Z. An Incoming Threat: The Influence of Automation Potential on Job Insecurity. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration (Accepted)
Nagpal, M., Cao, J., Mai, K. M., & de Cremer, D. (2023). How can women take advantage of the high-tech era to be perceived as effective leaders? Being tech-savvy helps. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 30(4), 397-412.
Cao, J., & Yao, J. (2020). Linking Different Artificial Intelligence Functions to Employees’ Psychological Appraisals and Work Outcomes. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
More Information
2018 - Present
Academy of Management
2020 - Present
International Association for Chinese Management Research
AI and employee, interpersonal relationships, work-life balance
Cao, J. & Zhang, S. (2020). Get Ready for Working With AI: AI Influences on both Employees and Organizations. The 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Synchronous session.
Cao, J., & Yao, J. How Employees Adapt to AI in the Workplace: The Influence of AI Control on Need Satisfaction and Job Crafting.
Presented at the 83th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago,2023.
Cao, J., Yao, J., & Song, Z. Perceived AI Functions, AI Appraisals, and Related Outcomes –Moderating Role of Learning Orientation and Self-Efficacy
Presented at the 9th International Association for Chinese Management Research, 2020
Cao, J., & Yao, J. Linking Different Artificial Intelligence Functions to Employees’ Psychological Appraisals and Work Outcomes.
Presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2020.
Cao, J., & Song, Z. The Influence of Automation Potential on Job Insecurity: An Incoming Threat.
Presented at the 11th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Bali, 2019.
Cao, J. An Alter Centric View of Network Building: How Newcomer Ability, Integrity, and Benevolence Influence Network Centrality through Tie Strength.
Presented at the 11th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Bali, 2019.
Tan, N. & Cao, J. 2018. LMX as a Mixed Blessing: Support Reception, Support Provision, and Strain.
Presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, 2018.
How Employees Adapt to AI in the Workplace: the Influence of AI Control on Need Satisfaction and Job Crafting (with Zhaoli Song)
Not All Forms of Artificial Intelligence Are Perceived Equal: Perceived AI Functions and Work Outcomes (with Jingxian Yao, Shuahua Sun, and Zhaoli Song).
Family Structure, the Home-Work Interface, and Work Outcomes (with Irene De Pater and Helen Pluut).