Educational Qualifications
Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Greensboro, U.S
M.S. University of North Carolina at Greensboro, U.S
B.A. Beijing Normal University, China
Academic and Professional Experience
2020 - 2021
Associate Faculty, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
2016 - 2019
Associate Professor, Guizhou Education University, China
2010 - 2015
Research Assistance and Teaching Assistance, University of North Carolina at
Greensboro, U.S.
Selected Publications
Liang, Y., Cao, H., Zhou, N., Li, J., & Zhang, L. (2020)
Early home learning
environment predicts early adolescents' adjustment through cognitive abilities
in middle childhood. Journal of Family Psychology, 34(8), 905–917.
Li, J., Hestenes, L. L., & Wang, C. Y. (2016)
Links between observed pretend
play in childcare outdoor
environments and preschool children's social skills. Early Childhood Education
Journal, 44(1), 61-68,
DOI 10.1007/s10643-014-0673-2
King, E., Pierro, R., Li, J., Porterfield, M. L., Rucker, L., & Cassidy, D.
Classroom quality in infant and
toddler classrooms: Impact of age and auspice. Early Child Development and
Care,186(11), 1821-1835, DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2015.1134521
Cao, H., Zhou, N., Fine, M., Liang, Y., Li, J., & Mills-Koonce, W. R. (2017)
Sexual minority stress and same-sex relationship well-being: A meta-analysis of research prior to the U.S.
nationwide legalization of
same-sex marriage. Journal of Marriage and Family, 79(5), 1258-1277,
Tudge, J., Payir, A., Merçon-Vargas, E., Cao, H., Liang, Y., & Li, J., &
O'Brien, L. (2016)
Still misused after
all these years? A re-evaluation of the uses of Bronfenbrenner's bioecological
theory of human
development. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 8(4), 427-445.