Educational Qualifications
2013PhD in Marketing, Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University,
Bachelor in Marketing, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, P.R.
Academic and Professional Experience
2019 - 2022Deputy Director, Office of Graduate Studies, SUSS
2015 - 2019
Head of Programme (Marketing), School of Business, SUSS
2014 - 2015
Head of Programme (Visual Communication with Business), School of Business, SUSS
2011 - 2014
Lecturer, School of Business, SUSS
2018 - 2022
Adjunct Faculty, Nanyang Centre for Public Administration, NTU
2019 - Present
Editorial board member, Internet Research
2020 - 2022
Editor, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising
2021 - Present
Associate Editor, Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics
Selected Publications
Journal Papers:
Guan, C. and Lam, S. (2024).
Product Review Reading and Rating Statistics: How Do They Affect Consumer Product Evaluation?. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 48, e13083. (Ranked A by ABDC)
Lee, D. K. C., Guan, C., Yu, Y., & Ding, Q. (2024).
A Comprehensive Review of Generative AI in Finance. FinTech, Forthcoming.
Guan, C., Ding, D., Ren, J. & Guo, J. (2024).
Unveiling the Aesthetic 'Wow Factor': The Role of Aesthetic Incongruity and Image Quality in NFT Art Valuation with Computer Vision, Electronic Markets, Forthcoming. (Ranked A by ABDC)
Fang, Z., Ding, D., & Guan, C. (2024).
Does Methodology Matter? Revisiting the Energy-growth Nexus in Asia Pacific Economies. Economic Issues, 29(1), 5-34.
Guan, C., Liu, W., Yu, Y, & Ding D. (2024).
Tokenomics in the Metaverse: Understanding the Lead-lag Effect among Emerging Crypto Tokens, Financial Innovation, 10, 88.
Fang, Z., & Guan, C. (2024).
Energy-growth nexus in Australia and New Zealand for the past 150 years—evidence from time-varying and quantile Granger causality analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-25.[CG1]
Gupta, P., Ding, B., Guan, C., & Ding, D. (2024)
Generative AI: A systematic review using topic modelling techniques. Data and Information Management, 100066.
Xia, C.; Guan, C.; Ding, D.; Teng, Y. (2024)
Navigating Success in Carbon Offset Projects: A Deep Dive into the Determinants Using Topic Modeling. Sustainability, 16, 1595. [CG1]
Mou, J., Liu, W., Guan, C., Westland, J.C., Kim, J. (2023).
Predicting the Cryptocurrency Market Using Social Media Sentiments and Search Trends during COVID-19, Electronic Commerce Research, (Ranked A by ABDC)
Ding, Q., Ding, D., Wang Y., Guan, C., & Ding, B. (2023).
Unravelling the landscape of Large Language Models: A systematic review and future perspectives. Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics,
Guan, C., Ding, D., Guo, J. & Teng, Y. (2023).
An ecosystem approach to Web3.0: A systematic review and research agenda, Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics, 2(1), 139-156.
Cheng, X., Zhang, S., Fu, S., Liu, W., Guan, C., Mou, J., Ye, Q. and Huang, C. (2022). Exploring the metaverse in the digital economy: An overview and research framework, Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics, 1(1/2), 206-224. (Emerald Literati Award)
Guan C., Hung Y. & Liu W. (2022).
Cultural differences in hospitality service evaluations: Mining insights of user generated content, Electronic Markets, 32(3), 1061-1081. (Ranked A by ABDC)
Guan, C., Liu, W. & Cheng, J.YC. (2022).
Using social media to predict the stock market crash and rebound amid the pandemic: The digital ‘Haves’ and ‘Have-mores’. Annals of Data Science, 9, 5-31.
Guan, C., & Li, E. Y. (2021).
Editorial: A note on influencer marketing in social media. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 15(2), 124-128.
Ding D., Guan C., Chan C.M.L., & Liu W. (2020).
Building stock market resilience through digital transformation: Using Google Trends to analyze the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, Frontiers of Business Research in China, 14(21), 1-21.
Guan C., Mou J., & Jiang Z. (2020).
Artificial intelligence innovation in education: A twenty-year data-driven historical analysis, International Journal of Innovation Studies, 4(4),134-147.
Jiang Z., Guan C., & de Haaij, I.L. (2020).
Congruity and processing fluency: An analysis on the effectiveness of embedded online video advertising, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 32(5), 1070 - 1088. (Ranked A by ABDC)
Hung Y., & Guan C. (2020).
Winning box office with the right movie synopsis, European Journal of Marketing, 54(3), 594 - 614. A* by ABDC)
Guan C. & Lam S. Y. (2019).
Product rating statistics as consumer search aids. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 48, 51 - 70. (Ranked A by ABDC)
Hung Y., Song L., Chao C.-W. & Guan C. (2017).
Love at first sight: The effect of presentation order on evaluation of experiential options in luxury tour packages, Journal of Business Research, 81, 181-191. (Ranked A by ABDC)
Ding, D., Guan, C., & Yu, Y. (2017).
Game-based learning in tertiary education: A new learning experience for Generation Z. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 7(2), 148. doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2017.7.2.857
Ding D., Guan C., Fang Z. & Lee P.M. (2017).
Does online rating affect companies’ financial performance? Evidence from hotels in Singapore, Journal of Accounting and Finance, 17(9), 60 - 75.
Lee P. M., Guan C. & Chan C.M.L. (2017).
Koufu: Fortune of an entrepreneurial Singapore hawker, Asian Case Research Journal, 21 (1), 175 - 205.
Sharma R., Fantin A.-R., Prabhu N., Guan C. and Dattakumar A. (2016).
Digital literacy and knowledge societies: A grounded theory investigation of sustainable development, Telecommunications Policy, 40(7), 628 - 643. (Impact Factor: 5.6)
Guan C., Ding D., & Ho K. W. (2014).
E-Learning in higher education for adult learners in Singapore, International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 5(5), 348 - 353. https://DOI: 10.7763/IJIET.2015.V5.528
Jain A. K., Malhotra N.K., & Guan C. (2012).
Positive and negative affectivity as mediators of volunteerism and service-oriented citizenship behavior and customer loyalty, Psychology & Marketing, 29(12), 1004 - 1017. (Ranked A by ABDC)
Sangwan, S., Siguaw, J. A., & Guan C. (2009).
A comparative study of motivational differences for online shopping, DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, 40(4), 28-42. (Ranked A by ABDC)
Sangwan, S., Guan C., & Siguaw J. A. (2009).
Virtual social networks: Toward A research agenda. International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking, 1(1), 1-13.
Cheng Z., Sangwan, S., Guan C., & Tang. S. (2008).
Analysis of the Mobile Communications Market Shares in China Based on Improved Stackelberg Model. China Communications, 5(3), 119-124.
DefiDAO, Lee D.K.C., Guan C., & Ding D. (2023).
Global Web3 Eco Innovation. Singapore University of Social Sciences - World Scientific Future Economy Series. World Scientific, forthcoming.
Lee D.K.C., Ding D., & Guan C. (2021)
Financial management in the digital economy. Singapore University of Social Sciences - World Scientific Future Economy Series. vol. 6, World Scientific.
Guan C., Jiang Z. & Ding D. (2019).
The emerging business models. Singapore University of Social Sciences - World Scientific Future Economy Series, vol. 2, World Scientific.
Book Chapters
Guan, C., Ding, D., Gupta, P., Hung, Y., & Jiang, Z. (2023).
A Systematic Review of Research on ChatGPT: The User Perspective. In N. Mateus-Coelho & M. Cruz-Cunha (Eds.), Exploring Cyber Criminals and Data Privacy Measures (pp. 124-150). IGI Global.
Ding D., Guan C., Lee D.K.C., & Tan L. C. (2017).
From Ant Financial to Alibaba’s rural Taobao strategy - How fintech is transforming social inclusion, in Lee D.K.C. & Deng R. (Eds.), Handbook of Blockchain, Digital Finance, and Inclusion, vol. 1, Elsevier Academic Press.
Sharma R. S., Lin M., Guan C. & Dattakumar A. (2016).
A maturity model for digital literacies and sustainable development, In Khosrow-Pour M. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2255-3.ch198
Sangwan, S., Guan C., & Siguaw J. A. (2010).
Virtual social networks, in Dasgupta S., Khosrow-Pour M., Clarke Steve, Jennex M. E., Becker A. (Eds.), Social Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, PA, USA: Information Science Publishing, pp. 2198 - 2210. 10.4018/978-1-60566-984-7.ch143
Sangwan, S., Guan, C., Pau, LF. (2009).
Mobile Communications Market in China. In: Ordóñez de Pablos, P., Lytras, M. (eds) The China Information Technology Handbook. Springer, Boston, MA.
Press Article:
Labour market's future challenges and countermeasures, Zaobao, 11 Mar 2024.- Guan Chong, Jiang Zhiying & Lee Sean (2023)
Commentary: TikTok grilling in US Congress shows tech-literate leaders are a must, CNA, 01 Apr 2023. - Guan Chong, Fang Zheng & Lee Sean (2022)
Commentary: Singaporeans know they need to reskill. The challenge is how. 18 Feb 2023. - Guan Chong, Fang Zheng & Lee Sean (2022)
Commentary: MBAs aren’t what they used to be. The Straits Times, 29 Dec 2022. - Guan Chong & Lee Sean (2022)
Commentary: Ordering in festive feasts can be stressful so why do people still turn to food delivery apps? CNA, 16 Jan 2022. - Guan Chong (2020)
Commentary: Google Pixel 4a a decent phone but wait a little longer before switching, CNA,17 Aug 2020. - Guan Chong & Calvin Chan (2020)
Commentary: Has COVID-19 made e-commerce and online shopping the new normal? CNA, 07 Apr 2020 - Chong Guan & Ding Ding (2020)
Commentary: Samsung’s new Galaxy S20 promises to be a game-changer. But it could struggle to do so, CNA, 19 Feb 2020. - Tan Khay Boon & Guan Chong (2015)
Why retailers need to raise productivity now, Today, 25 Feb 2015, pp.10 and 12. - Guan Chong (2014)
Why Singapore needs Project Jewel (and more malls), Today, 23 April 2014, pp.14 and 19. - Guan Chong and Allan Chia (2014)
Right time to step towards a self-service society, Today, 18 March 2014, pp.17 - 18. - Guan Chong (2013)
Consumers, flex your muscles for Earth’s sake, Today, 10 July 2013, pp.14.