Educational Qualifications
- 2015 – 2020
Ph.D. in Management, National University of Singapore - 2011 – 2015
B.Sc. in Psychology, Zhejiang University
Academic and Professional Experience
- 2024 - present
Deputy Head of Marketing Programme, Singapore University of Social Sciences, School of Business - 2023 - present
Senior Lecturer, Singapore University of Social Sciences, School of Business - 2022 - 2023
Assistant Professor, Tongji University, Advanced Institute of Business - 2020 - 2022
Assistant Professor, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics
Selected Publications
- Zhong, R., Yao, J., Wang, Y., Lyubykh, Z., & Robinson, S. (2024). Workplace aggression and employee performance: A meta-analytic investigation of mediating mechanisms and cultural contingencies. Journal of Applied Psychology. Advanced online publication. (FT50 ABDC A*)
- Ilies, R., Yao, J., Pluut, H., Liang, A. X., & Weng, Q. (2024). Blurred Lines: The Spillover and Crossover Effects of Interpersonal Experiences at Work on Family Behaviors and Well-Being. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 154, 104043. (ABDC A*)
- Netchaeva, E., Ilies, R., Magni, M., & Yao, J. (2023). What we are pushed to do versus what we want to do: Comparing the unique effects of citizenship pressure and actual citizenship behavior on fatigue and family behaviors. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 107, 103845. (ABDC A*)
- Yao, J., Lim, S., Guo, C. Y., Ou, A. Y., & Ng, J. W. X. (2022). Experienced incivility in the workplace: A meta-analytical review of its construct validity and nomological network. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107, 193-220. (FT50 ABDC A*)
- Zheng, M. X., Masters-Waage, T. C., Yao, J., Lu, Y., Tan, N., & Narayanan, J. (2020). Stay mindful and carry on: Mindfulness neutralizes COVID-19 stressors on work engagement via sleep duration. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 610156.
- Ilies, R., Yao, J., Curseu, P. L., & Liang, A. X. (2019). Educated and happy: A four-year study explaining the links between education, job fit, and life satisfaction. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 68, 150-176. (ABDC A)
- Lim, S. & Yao, J. (2021). The role of leaders in shaping a civil and respectful workplace. In De Cremer (Ed.)., On the Emergence and Understanding of Asian Global Leadership (pp. 109-120). De Gruyter.
- Cao, J. & Yao, J. (2020). Linking different artificial intelligence functions to employees’ psychological appraisals and work outcomes. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Virtual Conference due to COVID-19).
- Wang, Y. & Yao, J. (2024). A vicarious moral cleansing perspective of follower misconduct and leader moral behavior. Paper presented at 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Feng, C., Netchaeva, E., & Yao, J. (2024). Who’s the healthiest of them all? Leadership role occupancy, individual characteristics, and the likelihood of contracting a common cold infection. Paper presented at 7th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Yao, J. & Tan, N. (2024). Speaking up as a mixed blessing: Within-individual consequences of voice behaviour. Paper presented at 39th Annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Tan, N., & Yao, J. (2024). A within-individual examination of how employees cope with injustice through gossip. Paper presented at 39th Annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Tan, N. & Yao, J. (2023). A social support account of how working from home undermines teaching effectiveness and heightens teacher strain. Paper presented at 15th Asian Conference on Education, Tokyo, Japan.
- Cao, J. & Yao, J. (2023). How employees adapt to AI in the workplace. Paper presented at 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Netchaeva, E., Ilies, R., Magni, M., & Yao, J. (2023). The unique effects of citizenship pressure and citizenship behavior on fatigue and family behaviors. Paper presented at 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Zhou, Y., Yao, J., & Lou, M. (2023). A systematic review of team meta-analyses. Paper (included in symposium Advancing leadership and team research through second uses of meta-analytic data) presented at 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Tan, N., Yao, J., Lu, Y., & Narayanan, J. (2022). Is “Zoom fatigue” real? Video conferencing boosts productivity but worsens well-being. Paper presented at 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington, USA.
- Magni, M., Netchaeva, E., Ilies, R., & Yao, J. (2022). It’s been a hard day’s night! The effects of after-hours mobile use on next day outcomes. Paper presented at 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington, USA.
- Wang, Y., Zhong, R., & Yao, J. (2022). Filling the secrecy vacuum: How perceived leader secrecy invites gossip and feedback seeking? Paper presented at 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington, USA.
- Wang, Y., Zhong, R., & Yao, J. (2022). Filling the secrecy vacuum: How perceived leader secrecy invites gossip and feedback seeking? Paper presented at 3rd Annual Conference of the Association of British Chinese Professors, Birmingham, UK.
- Cao, J. & Yao, J. (2020). Linking different artificial intelligence functions to employees’ psychological appraisals and work outcomes. Paper presented at 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Virtual Conference due to COVID-19).
- Tan, N. & Yao, J. (2020). Gossip as a Coping Mechanism for Supervisory Injustice. Paper (included in symposium Understanding Workplace Gossip: Novel Antecedents, Consequences, and Functions of Gossip at Work) presented at 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Virtual Conference due to COVID-19).
- Zheng, M. X., Yao, J., & Narayanan, J. (2020). Mindfulness buffers the impact of COVID-19 outbreak information on sleep duration. Paper presented at Internal Association for Chinese Management Research COVID-19 Outbreak and Management Special Session.
- Yao, J. & Tan, N. (2019). Employees speaking up, leaders threatened: How leaders respond negatively to prohibitive voice. Paper presented at 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Tan, N., Yam, K. C., Tang, P. M., & Yao, J. (2019) Perceived gossip prevalence in the workplace: Implications on OCB, work engagement, and well-being. Paper (included in symposium The Functions of Workplace Gossip) presented at 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Yao, J. & Tan, N. (2019). Conceptualization and implications of leader perceived network structure. Paper presented at 11th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia.
- Ilies, R., Liang, A. X., Yao, J., Pluut, H., & Weng, Q. (2019). The spillover of helping behaviors in the workplace on support and well-being at home. Paper presented at 19th European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology Congress, Turin, Italy.
- Magni, M., Netchaeva, E., Ilies, R., & Yao, J. (2019). The effect of daily afterhours mobile use on work mental fatigue and social activities at home. Paper presented at 19th European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology Congress, Turin, Italy.
- Yao, J. & Tan, N. (2018). Conceptualization and implications of leader perceived network structure. Paper presented at 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Yao, J. & Tan, N. (2018). Conceptualization and implications of leader perceived network structure. Paper presented at 33rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Tan, N., & Yao, J. (2018). LMX and strain: Integrating LMX agreement, support reception, and support provision. Paper presented at 33rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Yao, J., Lee, R. X. R., & Ou, A. Y. (2017). How and when may servant leadership inhibit team learning? Paper (included in symposium The Downside and Darkside of Servant Leadership) presented at 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
- Yao, J., Tan, N., & Ilies, R. (2017). Telecommuting and work-family conflict: The moderating role of work-family integration. Paper presented at 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
- Yao, J., Guo, C. Y., Ng, J. W. X., Lim, S., & Ou, A. Y. (2017). Workplace incivility: A meta-analytic review. Paper (included in symposium Why, How, and When: Advancing the Literature on Workplace Incivility) presented at 32nd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Yao, J., Liu, Y., & Ng, J. W. X. (2016). Linking proactive personality to politics knowledge: Moderating effect of network seniority. Paper (included in symposium Socialization through Interactions: Exploring roles of Social Relationships) presented at 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, California, USA.
- Guo, C. Y. & Yao, J. (2016). When proactive personality hurts: The role of work achievement. Paper presented at 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, California, USA.