Educational Qualifications
Ph.D., National University of Singapore
M.A., National University of Singapore
B.A. 1st Class Hons., National University of Singapore
Academic and Professional Experience
2024 - Present
Lecturer, Chinese Studies, School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences, SUSS
2021 - 2024
Research Fellow, Religion and Globalisation Cluster, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
2020 - 2023
Adjunct Lecturer, National University of Singapore
2019 - 2020
Adjunct Lecturer, Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Visiting Graduate Student, Department of Sociology, The University of Hong Kong
Visiting Graduate Student, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge
Selected Publications
Wu Qi. Looking at the Flying Clouds from the South: Transregional Network of the Dejiao Charity Organization in Southeast Asia (南望飛雲:東南亞德教慈善團體的跨域網路). Singapore: Chinese Studies Department of NUS and World Scientific Publishing, 2024.
Wu Qi. Journey to the East, Roots Searching of Dejiaohui. Manuscript in preparation.
Book Chapter:
“Comparative Study of Haw Par Villa in Singapore and Yongding (新加坡、永定兩地虎豹別墅的比較研究)”, in Wong Sin Kiong, eds. Trans-regional and Cross-disciplinary Studies on Hakka Culture (Singapore: NUS Chinese Studies, Char Yang Association, Global Publishing, 2015), pp.39-58.
Refereed Article:
“Discourse of the City in Fiction and Memory: A Study on the Material History in Tian Gong Kai Wu: A Practical Guide to Imaginary Inventions(天工开物﹒栩栩如真)”, in The Journal of Chinese Literature and Cultural Studies 華人文學與文化研究輯刊, Vol.3 (Shanghai: Fudan University Press), In Press, expected October 2025.
“Join from home – Three scenarios of Singaporean Chinese temples in the time of COVID”, CoronAsur Religion & Covid-19. 2022.
“Bo Juyi’s Chang’an Mentality and the Composition of Poetry (白居易的長安心態與詩歌創作)”, in Journal of Chinese Language and Culture 中國言語文化, Vol.3 (Seoul: Chinese Language and Culture Society, 2013), pp.359-376.
“If False Make the True and True as Well False- Zhen Shiyin, Jia Yucun and the Theme of Reality and Illusion in The Story of the Stone (假作真時真亦假——甄士隱和賈雨村與《紅樓夢》中的真假題旨)”, in Cao Xueqin Studies 曹雪芹研究, Vol.2 (Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2012), pp.124-136.