Educational Qualifications

2021                      PhD in Transport Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

2016                      Bachelor of Engineering (Civil), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Academic and Professional Experience

2021 - 2023           Research Fellow, Joint NTU-WeBank Research Centre on Fintech, Nanyang Technological University

2016 - 2021           Project Officer, Transport Research Centre, Nanyang Technological University

Selected Publications

  • Che, M., Wong, Y. D., Lum, K. M., & Wang, X. (2021). Interaction behaviour of active mobility users in shared space. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 153, 52–65.
  • Che, M., Lum, K. M., & Wong, Y. D. (2020). Users’ attitudes on electric scooter riding speed on shared footpath: A virtual reality study. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 1–10.
  • Che, M., Wong, Y. D., Lum, K. M., & Rojas Lopez, M. C. (2021). Users’ behavioral intention and their behavior: Before-and-after study of “keep left” markings on shared footpaths. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 17(3), 219–227.
  • Che, M., Secadiningrat, J. R., Upahita, D. P., Wong, Y. D., & Lum, K. M. (2021). Cyclists’ preference study in using four types of cycling facilities in Singapore. Case Studies on Transport Policy.

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