Selected Publications
Tan, A. L. S., Chui, Y.P. (2024)A Review of Competencies for Human Factors and Workplace Safety and Health. Proceedings of the 22
nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Jeju, Korea
Seva, R.S., Tan, A.L.S, Tejero, L.M.S. & Salvacion, M.L.D.S (2023)Multi-dimensional readiness assessment of medical devices, Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 24:2, 189-205
Lee, K.H., Chua, K.W.L., Koh, D.S.M., Tan, A.L.S. (2018) Team cognitive walkthrough: fusing creativity and effectiveness for a novel operation. In Bagnara, S., Tartaglia, R., Albolino, S., Alexander, T., Fujita, Y. (eds.) IEA 2018. AISC, vol. 824, pp. 117–126. Springer, Cham
Soo J.K.T., Tan A.L.S., Ho A.S.Y. (2016) Naturalistic Human-Robot Interaction Design for Control of Unmanned Ground Vehicles. Poster presentation at HCI International.
Koh, D.S.M., Tee, H.G., Soh, B.K., Tan, A.L.S. (2015)Tools for facilitating Critical Decision Method, during tacit knowledge elicitation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making, McLean, VA
Tan, A. L. S. & Chia, A. (2014)Examining Training Differences for Intelligence Analysis. Proceedings of the 3rd South East Asian Network of Ergonomics Societies International Conference.
Tan, A. L. S. (2011)Use of the motivation-expectation space to communicate strategies in a joint cognitive system. Doctoral thesis, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Tan, A. L. S., Helander, M. G., & Soh, B. K. (2010)Motivation-Expectation Space as a Representative Structure for Decision Strategies. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 54(4), 334–338.
Tan, A. L. S., Helander, M., Choo, K. T. W., & Soh, B. K. (2010)Cognitive task analysis for maritime collisions. In D. B. Kaber & G. Boy (Eds.), Advances in Cognitive Ergonomics. Bosa Roca, Fla: CRC Press.
Zhou, F., Tan, A. L. S., & Jiao, J. (2008)Emergency logistics using graph theory and abstraction hierarchy. Paper presented at the 4th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT).
Yin S, Tan, A. L. S., & Helander M. (2008)Proactive Process Control Monitoring using Trends. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.
Kow, Y. M., Tan, A. L. S., & Helander, M. G. (2007)What stories inform us about the users? In D. Harris (Ed.), Engineering psychology and cognitive ergonomics (Vol. 4562, pp. 89-97). Berlin: Springer.
Helander, M. G., & Tan, A. L. S. (2006)Critical decision method: Is it cognitive work analysis? Proceedings of the 16th World Congress on Ergonomics (pp. 584). Maastricht, Netherlands.
Tan, A. L. S., & Helander, M. G. (2006)Applied Work Domain Analysis: Translating Knowledge to Representation. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 50(3), 510–514.