Educational Qualifications
Ph. D. in Mass Communication, School of Telecommunication, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio
M.A. in Photography and Cinema, Department of Photography & Cinema, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
B.A. in Mass Communication, Department of Mass Communication, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
Academic and Professional Experience
2014 - Present
Associate Professor
2013 - Present
Co-organizer, Singapore Chinese Film Festival
2012 - Present
Deputy Director, Centre for Chinese Studies @SUSS
2010 - 2011
Senior Lecturer, School of Arts & Social Sciences, SIM University
2008 - 2009
Acting Head, Electronic and Broadcast Media Division (EBM), Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information (WSCI), Nanyang Technological University
2006 - 2008
Deputy Head, EBM, WSCI, Nanyang Technological University
2004 - 2010
Assistant Professor, WSCI, Nanyang Technological University
2001 - 2004
Lecturer, School of Communication & Information, Nanyang Technological University
1997 - 1998
Lecturer, School of Communication Studies (SCS), Nanyang Technological University.
1996 - 1997
Media Specialist, SCS, Nanyang Technological University
1992 - 1996
Lecturer, Department of Mass Communications, Fu Jen Catholic University
Selected Publications
Journal Article:
Foo, Tee-Tuan. (2011). Reading Hong Kong Comics in the Heartlands of Singapore. International Journal of Comic Arts, Volume 13, No. 1, Spring 2011.
Foo, Tee-Tuan. (2006). Malaysian Drama TV: Producer, Network Executives and the Commissioning Process. Global Media Journal (American Edition), Volume 5, Issue 8.
Foo, Tee-Tuan (2017) Written in the Lion City: Essays on Film, Media and Singapore (1990-2015) [岛上纪 事: 1990-2015]. Singapore: Global Publishing.
Edited Book:
Zhou, Zhao-Cheng, Yow, Cheun-Hoe & Foo, Tee-Tuan, (Eds.). (2016). Half a Century of Singapore: Retrospect and Prospect [半世纪的新加坡:回顾与前瞻]. Singapore: Singapore Society of Asian Studies.
Book Review:
Foo, Tee-Tuan. (2005). Projecting a Nation: Chinese National Cinema before 1949 [Review of the book Projecting a Nation: Chinese National Cinema before 1949]. Asian Journal of Communication, 15(2), 235-237.
Book Chapter:
Foo, Tee-Tuan. (1999). “The Broadcasting Landscape of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei.” [印尼,新加坡,马来西亚,汶莱电视产业概况]InTain-DowLeeandHsieh-ChengLiu(Ed.),Asia-PacificMedia Scene: The Construct of Territorial, Cable, and Satellite Television [亚太媒介图志] (pp. 133-152). Taipei: Asia-Pacific Press.
Foo, Tee-Tuan. (1999). “Audio-Visual Elements of King Hu’s Swordsmen Films.” [胡金铨武侠片中的 视听元素] In Ren Wang (Ed.), King Hu and the Swordsmen Genre [胡金銓的武俠世界] (pp. 233-248). Taipei: Association of Chinese Cinema Historical Research.
Foo, Tee-Tuan. (1996). “From the view point of Authorship to Evaluate Lee Chi-Ngai Films.” [李志毅的成 人童话世界] In Hsieh-Cheng Liu (Ed.), Golden Horse Film Festival’s Anthology [台北金马影展: 华语影 片观摩展专题特刊]. Taipei: Yuan-Liu, 1996.
Foo, Tee-Tuan. (1994) “A Visual Experience: A Critique on Three Women Experimental Films.” [为影 像开一扇新门——谈《狒狒的梦》、《风中耳语》和《水戏》] In Y. Wang (Ed.), Women and Visual: Different Angles in viewing Feminist Films. [女性与影像] Taipei: Yuan-Liu.
Magazine Articles:
Foo, Tee-Tuan. (2014, February) “Local movie happenings.”[本地电影二三事] YUAN magazine. [源],12-14.
Foo, Tee-Tuan. (1995, November) “Going Regional: Recent Developments of Singapore International Media Private Ltd.” [迈向区域: 新加坡国际传媒集团近期的发展] Broadcaster.” [广电人],11-13.
Foo, Tee-Tuan. (1993, October) “A Brief History of Animated Films.” [画说从头] The Advertising Age, 52-55.
Magazine Articles:
Foo, Tee-Tuan. (2016, February 14). Festive movies [应节电影]. Lianhe Zaobao, pp. 16.
Foo, Tee-Tuan. (2016, May 8). Looking At the Trends Of China and Hong Kong Motion Picture Industries [看中港电影趋势]. Lianhe Zaobao, pp. 31.
Foo, Tee-Tuan. (2016, June 19). Writers of the Inspired Island [在岛屿写作的他们]. Lianhe Zaobao, pp. 15.