Educational Qualifications
Ph.D. in History, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
M.A. in History, National University of Singapore
B.A. (Hons) in History, National University of Singapore
Academic and Professional Experience
2018 - 2019
Curatorial Researcher, Malay Heritage Centre / National Heritage Board
2014 - 2017
Instructor, Department of History, National University of Singapore
2013 - 2014
Executive, Comparative Asian Studies PhD Programme, National University of
2008 - 2009
Research Analyst, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang
Technological University
2003 - 2005
Social Assistance Policy Officer, Ministry of Community Development, Youth and
Selected Publications
Ho Chi Tim and Ann Wee,
Singapore Chronicles: Social Services. Institute of
Policy Studies and The Straits Times Press. (2016)
Book Chapters and Articles:
Ho Chi Tim,
“A Biographical Account of the Social Welfare State in Late Colonial Singapore, 1945–1965”, in Haapala, P., Harjula, M., Kokko, H. (eds.) Experiencing Society and the Lived Welfare State. Palgrave Studies in the History of Experience. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. (2023)
Ho Chi Tim, Holmberg, E., and Tan C. G.,
"Pasir Panjang, Kent Ridge and
the Singapore Story", in Kevin Y.L. Tan (ed.), Kent Ridge: An Untold Story.
Singapore: NUS Press. (2019)
Ho Chi Tim,
"Social Welfare: Myth and History", in Loh K. S., Thum P. T. and Chia J. M. T. (eds.), Living with Myths in Singapore. Singapore:
Ethos Books. (2017)
Ho Chi Tim,
"Communal Feeding in Post-War Singapore", BiblioAsia, Volume 9,
Issue 3, Oct-Dec. (2013)
Ho Chi Tim,
"Goh Keng Swee in a Social Welfare History of Singapore", in Chew E. and Kwa C. G. (eds.), Goh Keng Swee: A Legacy of Public Service,
Singapore: S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies and World Scientific
Publishing. (2012)
Kwa Chong Guan and Ho Chi Tim,
"Archives in the Making of Post-Colonial
Singapore", in Jeurgens, C., Kappelhof, T., and Karabinos, M. (eds.),
Colonial Legacy in South East Asia: The Dutch Archives, Stichting
Archiefpublicaties, Jaarboek 11. (2012)
Kwa Chong Guan and Ho Chi Tim,
"Archival Records in the Writing of Singapore
History: A Perspective from the Archives", in Loh K. S. and Liew K. K. (eds.), The Makers and Keepers of Singapore History, Singapore: Singapore
Heritage Society. (2010)