Educational Qualifications

Doctor of Philosophy in Urban Studies and Social Sciences, University of Nottingham (UK), Department of Architecture and Built Environment

2013 – 2014
Master of Architecture in Technology with Distinction, University of Nottingham (UK), Department of Architecture and Built Environment

2005 – 2009
Bachelor of Arts in Architecture with First Class Honours, National University and Catholic University (Colombia)

Academic and Professional Experience

2023 – Present
Lecturer, Core Learning, College of Interdisciplinary & Experiential Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences.

2020 – 2022
Associate Faculty, Core Learning, College of Interdisciplinary & Experiential Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences.

Guest Lecturer at the University of Architecture Ho Chi Minh City.

International expert for the Master and undergraduate program in Urban Design and Development International at the Faculty of Architecture and Planning Thammasat University, Bangkok (Thailand).

Guest lecturer for the Master program in Design Business and Technology at the Faculty of Architecture and Planning Thammasat University, Bangkok (Thailand).

Guest critic for architecture design studios at The University UCSI (Malaysia).

Guest lecturer and guest critic for final year Undergraduate and Master architecture studios at the SUTD (Singapore).

Associate researcher at the non-profit organisation Ground-up Initiative (GUI) Singapore. Project: A solution to urbanisation through nature connection. Research collaboration with the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).

Principal Investigator in the project therapeutic and resilient landscapes. Longitudinal study investigating the cumulative physical modifications over time of green landscapes developed by the Medellin government in informal settlements.

Principal Investigator in the project conducted with the University of Nottingham (UK) and the National Prosecutorial agency in Medellin-Colombia. PhD programme. Investigation on multiple approaches to urban and environmental resilience in lower-income communities.

Studio Unit Assistant for the module People Buildings and Landscape. Department of Architecture and Built Environment, The University of Nottingham (UK).

Invited lecturer workshops with undergraduate and postrgraduate students under the theme: Inclusive and resilient environments, environmental justice, and human- centre design. Piloto University (Colombia).

Studio critic for the Master program: Architecture and Technology at the University of Nottingham (UK).

Masters Research project in collaboration with the Lincoln University (UK), London Metropolitan University, and Architecture for Humanity London. Guidelines proposal for participatory design and disaster management for communities exposed to natural disasters.

Junior Research Analyst at the division of Planning and Urban Development in the Colombian Chamber of Construction.

Selected Publications


Benjumea D., Kato Y., Hua K. 2021. Participatory Approaches to Enact Meaningful Interconnectednes with the Natural Environment: A Case study in Singapore. Cities and Health.

Olszewska-Guizzo A., Fogel A., Benjumea D., Tahsin N. 2021. Sustainable Solutions in Urban Health: Transdisciplinary Directions in Urban Planning for Public Health. Book chapter: Sustainable Policies and Practices in Energy, Environment and Health Research: Addressing Cross-cutting Issues. Springer 2021.

Benjumea DM., Santos A. 2022. Networks of Nature: Integrating Urban Farming into the City Fabric. Technical Assistance Movement for People and Environment inc Press, Philippines. ISBN No. 978-621-96583-2-4.

Benjumea D., Olszewska-Guizzo A. 2021. Coping with Extreme Circumstances Through Community-Led Local Nature Interventions: A Science-Based Policy Analysis. In: Gatzweiler F.W. (eds) Urban Health and Wellbeing Programme. Urban Health and Wellbeing (Systems Approaches). Springer, Singapore.

Benjumea D. 2018. Historiography of Insurgent Planning in Informal Settlements. Post-disaster reconstruction in the midst of war: A case study in Villatina Medellin-Colombia. 48th Annual Conference of the Urban Affairs Association , April 2018. Benjumea D. 2018. Grassroots Places in Informal Communities in Medellin-Colombia, a Place based Model. AESOP congress ‘Making Space for Hope’. 1-14, July 2018, Gothenburg (Sweden).

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