Educational Qualifications
PhD (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
B.Tech (Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai, India)
Academic and Professional Experience
2019 - Present
Associate Professor & Head of Programme, Electronics Engineering, Singapore University of Social Sciences
2013 - 2019
Senior Lecturer & Head of Programme, Electronics Engineering, Singapore University of Social Sciences
2011 - 2013
Lecturer & Head of Programme, Electronics Engineering, Singapore University of Social Sciences
2008 - 2011
Research Fellow, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) –A*STAR, Singapore
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journals:
L. B. Thiagarajan, S. Attallah, K. A. Meraim, Y.-C. Liang and H. Fu,
“Non-data-aided joint carrier frequency offset and channel estimator for uplink MC-CDMA systems,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 56, no. 9, pp 4398-4408, Sep. 2008.
L. B. Thiagarajan, Y.-C. Liang and S. Attallah,
“Reconfigurable transceivers for wireless broadband access schemes, IEEE Wireless Commun. Magazine, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 48-53, Jun. 2007.
S. Attallah, L. B. Thiagarajan, H. Fu and Y.-C. Liang,
“Joint channel and carrier offset estimation for synchronous uplink CDMA systems, IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 2769-2774, Sep. 2007.
S. Attallah and L. B. Thiagarajan,
“A comment on Blind maximum likelihood CFO estimation for OFDM systems via polynomial rooting, IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 14, pp. 291-291, Apr. 2007.
US Patent:
L. B. Thiagarajan, S. Sun, C. Yuen, Q. S. T. Quek,
“Cyclic prefix schemes”, US 2014/0247770 A1, 2014.
Peer-Reviewed Conferences:
L. B. Thiagarajan and June. T,
“Blockchain – An effective means for lifelong learning”, accepted for oral presentation at BSERK 2018, Sydney.
L. B. Thiagarajan and June. T,
``A framework for EV charging in Singapore”, in Proc. Energy Procedia, WES 2017, Singapore.
K. C. Lim, S. Low, L. B. Thiagarajan and S. Attallah,
“E-learning strategies on science and engineering education in SIM University, ICCECT, 2013.
L. B. Thiagarajan and S. Sun,
“Collision detection during initial ranging in IEEE 802.16- Compliant TDD OFDMA Systems, IEEE VTC, 2011.
L. B. Thiagarajan, S. Sun, P. H. W. Fung and C. K. Ho,
“Multiple Carrier Frequency Offset and Channel Estimation for Distributed Relay Networks, Proc. of GLOBECOM, 2010.
L. B. Thiagarajan, S. Sun, and T. Q. S. Quek,
“Joint carrier frequency offset and channel estimation in OFDM based non-regenerative wireless relay networks, Proc. IEEE ICASSP, 2009.
L. B. Thiagarajan, S. Sun, and T. Q. S. Quek,
“Carrier frequency offset and channel estimation in space-time non-regenerative two-way relay network, Proc. IEEE SPAWC, 2009.
L. B. Thiagarajan and S. Attallah,
“Uplink CP-CDMA system: Joint CFO and CIR estimation without pilots, Proc. IEEE WCNC, 2009.
L. B. Thiagarajan, S. Attallah, Y.-C. Liang and K. A. Meraim,
“Channel Identifiability for Blind Subspace- Based Channel Estimator in Uplink MC-CDMA Systems, Proc. IEEE ICC , 2008.
L. B. Thiagarajan, Y.-C. Liang and S. Attallah,
“Low Complexity Iterative Receiver for Downlink MCCDMA System in Doppler Channels, Proc. IEEE VTC , 2008.
L. B. Thiagarajan, S. Attallah, H. Fu and Y.-C. Liang,
“Non-data-aided synchronization and channel estimation for asynchronous CDMA uplink, Proc. IEEE ICC , 2007.
L. B. Thiagarajan, S. Attallah and Y.-C. Liang,
“Blind channel estimation techniques for urban areas, invited paper Proc. SONDRA workshop, 2007.
L. B. Thiagarajan, S. Attallah and Y.-C. Liang,
“Two-stage frequency synchronization for uplink MCCDMA system, Proc. IEEE WCNC, 2007.
S. Attallah, L. B. Thiagarajan, H. Fu and Y.-C. Liang,
“A joint carrier offset and channel estimation method for synchronous CDMA system, Proc. IEEE ICASSP, 2006.