Educational Qualifications
2006 - 2009
Doctor of Philosophy, Physics, Nanyang Technological University
2001 - 2005
Bachelor of Sciences, Physics. Second Class Honours (Lower Division), National
University of Singapore
Academic and Professional Experience
2022 - Present
Senior Lecturer, Core Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences
2019 - 2021
Lecturer, Centre for University Core, Singapore University of Social Sciences
2017 - 2019
Research Fellow, Complexity Institute, Nanyang Technological University
2016 - 2017
Research Fellow, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang
Technological University
2013 - 2016
Research Fellow, Physics Department, National University of Singapore
2011 - 2013
Research Fellow, Temasek Laboratories, National University of Singapore
2009 - 2010
Research Fellow, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang
Technological University
Associate Lecturer, PSB Academy
Selected Publications
J. S. Lansing, N. N. Chung, L. Y. Chew and G. S. Jacobs
“Averting evolutionary suicide from the tragedy of the commons”, International Journal of the Commons 15, 414-430 (2021).
Y. Gandica, J. S. Lansing, N. N. Chung, S. Thurner, and L. Y. Chew
“Bali’s Ancient Rice Terraces: A Hamiltonian Approach”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 168301 (2021).
N. N. Chung and L. Y. Chew
“Modelling Singapore COVID-19 pandemic with a SEIR multiplex network model”, Scientific Reports, 11, 10122 (2021).
W. L. Quek, N. N. Chung, V.-L. Saw and L. Y. Chew
“Analysis and Simulation of Intervention Strategies against Bus Bunching by means of an Empirical Agent-Based Model”, Complexity, 2606191 (2021).
N. N. Chung, L. Y. Chew, W. Chen, R. M. D’Souza and C. H. Lai
“Susceptible individuals drive active social contagion”, Physical Review Research, 1, 033125 (2019).
N. N. Chung, G. S. Jacobs, H. Sudoyo, S. G. Malik, L. Y. Chew, J. S. Lansing and M. P. Cox
“Sex-linked genetic diversity originates from persistent socio-cultural processes at microgeographic scales”, Royal Society Open Science, 6, 190733 (2019).
V.-L. Saw, N. N. Chung, W. Quek, Y. E. I. Pang and L. Y. Chew
"Bus bunching as a synchronisation phenomenon", Scientific Reports 9, 6887
W. L. Quek, N. N. Chung and L. Y. Chew
"An analysis on the traffc processing effciency of a combination of serial and
parallel bottlenecks", Physica A, 503, 491 (2018).
J. S. Lansing ,C. Abundo, G. S. Jacobs, E.G. Guillot, S. Thurner, S.
S. Downey, L. Y. Chew, T. Bhattacharya, N. N. Chung, H. Sudoyo and M. P. Cox
"Kinship structures create persistent channels for language transmission",
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114, 12910-12915 (2017).
H. S. Sugiarto, N. N. Chung, C. H. Lai and L. Y. Chew
"Emergence of cooperation in a coupled social-ecological system through a direct
or an indirect social control mechanism", Journal of Physics Communications, 1,
055019 (2017).
J. S. Lansing, S. Thurner, N. N. Chung, Aurélie Coudurier-Curveur,
Çağil Karakaş, Kurt Fesenmeyer and L. Y. Chew
"Adaptive self-organization of Bali's ancient rice terraces", Proceedings of the
National Academics of Sciences, 114, 6504 (2017).
H. S. Sugiarto, J. S. Lansing, N. N. Chung, C. H. Lai, S. A. Cheong
and L. Y. Chew
"Social cooperation and disharmony in communities mediated through common pool
resource exploitation", Physical Review Letters, 118, 208301 (2017).
H. S. Sugiarto, N. N. Chung, C. H. Lai and L. Y. Chew
"Socio-ecological regime shifts in the setting of complex social interactions",
Physical Review E, 91, 062804 (2015).
L. Y. Chew and N. N. Chung
"Dynamical relation between quantum squeezing and entanglement in coupled
harmonic oscillator system", Symmetry, 6, 295 (2014).
N. N. Chung, L. Y. Chew and C. H. Lai
"Influence of network structure on cooperative dynamics in coupled
socio-ecological systems", Europhysics Letters, 104, 28003 (2013).
N. N. Chung, L. Y. Chew and C. H. Lai
"Spectral analysis on explosive percolation", Europhysics Letters, 101, 66003
C. H. Er, N. N. Chung and L. Y. Chew
"Threshold effect and entanglement enhancement through local squeezing of
initial separable states in continuous variable systems", Physica Scripta, 87,
025001 (2013).
W. Chen, X. Q. Cheng, Z. M. Zheng, N. N. Chung, R. M. D'Souza and J.
"Unstable supercritical discontinuous percolation transitions", Physical Review
E, 88, 042152 (2013).
L. Y. Chew, N. N. Chung, J. Zhou and C. H. Lai
"Impact of global edge-removal on the average path length", Lecture Notes of the
Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications
Engineering, 126, 52 (2013).
J. Zhou, N. N. Chung, L. Y. Chew and C. H. Lai
"Epidemic spreading induced by diversity of agents' mobility", Physical Review
E, 86, 026115 (2012).
L. Y. Chew and N. N. Chung
"Quantum-classical correspondence through entanglement dynamics", Chaotic
Modeling and Simulation, 3, 451 (2012).
N. N. Chung, L. Y. Chew, J. Zhou and C. H. Lai
"Impact of edge removal on the centrality betweenness of the best spreaders",
Europhysics Letters, 98, 58004 (2012).
N. N. Chung, L. Y. Chew and C. H. Lai
"Network extreme eigenvalue: From multimodal to scale-free networks", Chaos, 22,
013139 (2012).
L. Y. Chew and N. N. Chung
"The quantum signature of chaos through the dynamics of entanglement in
classically regular and chaotic systems", Acta Physica Polonica A, 120, A95
L. Y. Chew and N. N. Chung
"Quantum entanglement and squeezing in coupled harmonic and anharmonic
oscillator systems", Journal of Russian Laser Research, 32, 331 (2011).
N. N. Chung, C. H. Er, Y. S. Teo and L. Y. Chew
"Relation of entanglement entropy and uncertainty product in the ground states
of coupled anharmonic oscillators", Physical Review A, (2010).
N. N. Chung and L. Y. Chew
"Dependence of entanglement dynamics on the global classical dynamical regime",
Physical Review E, 80, 016204 (2009).
N. N. Chung and L. Y. Chew
"Two-step approach to the dynamics of coupled anharmonic oscillators", Physical
Review A, 80, 012103 (2009).
N. N. Chung and L. Y. Chew
"Energy eigenvalues and squeezing properties of general systems of coupled
quantum anharmonic oscillators", Physical Review A, 76, 032113 (2007).