Work-Study Degree (WSDeg) for SUSS full-time undergraduates
(Intake 2022 and before)
What is it?
The Work-Study Degree (WSDeg) is a programme where SUSS undergraduates work and study in a curriculum towards completion of a degree programme. Full-time undergraduates may continue to take day-time and/or evening classes concurrently while working at ONE (1) organisation for at least 12 month with structured on-the-job training (OJT), co-designed by SUSS and the organisation.
Who is it for?
WSDeg is open to individuals who have been successfully matriculated in SUSS as full-time undergraduates in the following programmes:
- Bachelor of Accountancy
- Bachelor of Human Resource Management with Minor
- Bachelor of Science in Business Analytics with Minor
- Bachelor of Science in Finance with Minor
- Bachelor of Science in Marketing with Minor
- Bachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management with Minor
How will I benefit?
As a full-time undergraduate, you will:
- Build relationships that are helpful for full-time career upon graduation;
- Earn course credits offset of up to 20 credit units (20 cu) recognising workplace learning, subject to the Head of Programme, Dr. Sunny Leong's recommendation;
- Fulfil the Work Attachment (WA) graduation requirement;
- Gain 1-year working experience and acquire skills aligned to your matriculated degree programme;
- Graduate in 4 years or earlier;
- Receive stipend and/or other benefits during the 12-month OJT.
How do I apply?
For students:
- Intake 2022 and before (Under SUSS Academy): Contact [email protected]