Course ID: TGS-2023022149
Dates: 9 April 2025, 24 September 2025
Level: Basic
Venue: Online via ZOOM

Foggy on what cloud computing is, how cloud computing works and what it is for? This beginner’s guide is designed to demystify basic cloud computing concepts. It covers everything you need to know about cloud computing – the fundamentals of cloud computing, advantages and disadvantages, underlying technology, and commonly used cloud applications. Participants will be able to start using cloud-based services.

The workshop session provides practical use of cloud computing services such as Google Drive. Participants will be paired up and taught how to work with Google Docs to access, store and share documents. A natural progression after this course is to explore how cloud services can benefit organizations.


  • Introduction to Cloud Computing
  • History of the cloud
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Apple iCloud, Google Cloud Services, Microsoft Cloud services, Netflix
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Backup as a Service (BaaS)
  • Data as a Service (DaaS):
  • Storage as a service (STaaS): Dropbox, one drive
  • Cloud deployment models Private, Public and hybrid clouds
  • Key features of Private, Public and Hybrid clouds
  • Key characteristics of cloud, Elasticity, Multi-tenancy, self-provisioning
  • Advantages of moving to the cloud
  • Dis-Advantages of moving to the cloud
  • Commonly used cloud applications by general public
  • Commonly used cloud applications by businesses
  • Common sense cloud security

About the Trainer

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Cecilia Nathen has a Bachelor in Accountancy degree and a Masters in Public Policy and Management. Her span of work experience includes auditing, finance, human resource, customer relationship, corporate communication and organisation development.

Cecilia is currently a Certified Information Privacy Manager and holds certifications in Information Security as well as AI Governance and Ethics. She is an adjunct lecturer with SUSS and other institutions of higher learning and does course development work for such institutions.  She currently teaches in areas relating to cybersecurity, data privacy, governance and ethics.  


Application Procedures

Please submit the following documents to [email protected]:

  1. Coloured copy (back and front) of NRIC for Singaporeans and PRs, or "Employment"/"S" Pass for foreign applicant
  2. Application form

Course Fee

Course Fee for $650


1 Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy: Singaporeans aged 40 and above may enjoy subsidies up to 90% of the course fees.
2 Enhanced Training Support for SMEs: SME-sponsored employees (Singaporean Citizens and PRs) aged 21 and above may enjoy subsidies up to 90% of the course fees.

  • Participants are required to achieve at least 75% attendance and pass any prescribed examinations/assessments or submit any course/project work (if any) under the course requirement.
  • Participants are required to complete all surveys and feedbacks related to the course.
  • The course fees are reviewed annually and may be revised. The University reserves the right to adjust the course fees without prior notice.
  • Singapore University of Social Sciences reserves the right to amend and/or revise the above schedule without prior notice.

For clarification, please contact the SUSS Academy via the following:

Telephone: +65 6248 0263
Email: [email protected]