Course ID: TGS-2023037423
Dates: 22 May 2025 and 23 October 2025
Level: Basic
Duration: 1 day
Venue: Singapore University of Social Sciences
Minimum number to run: 15 participants (To be updated by SUSS)


Lego has been used by organizations (e.g. IKEA, Samsung) and has been seen as an innovative approach to unlock talents of employees and to develop soft skills (e.g. leadership and team building). In this workshop, we will introducing the different strategies to trainers using Lego as a tool to facilitate team building, leadership and communication skillsets. Through the process, participants will experience the Lego facilitation process. They will be guided through different phases to work individually and collaboratively. They will also learn how to play out scenarios, see how they can affect team dynamics, and develop deeper and broader understanding of team building and leadership skills. For this workshop, one small Lego pack will be given to each participant. Please also kindly note that this is not a "Lego Serious Play" (LSP) course as LSP would require in-depth training offered by another service provider.

Who Should Attend

Lecturers, trainers, instructors and facilitators who are new to leadership and team-building training, and lego-play for skills development.


  • What are the different Lego methodological strategies?
  •  How do you adapt Lego for training purposes?
  •  How do you prepare for a Lego-facilitated lesson?
  •  What do you look out in preparing Lego-facilitated lesson?
  •  What are some activities you could use in Lego-facilitated lesson?

Learning Outcomes

A. Knowledge and Understanding (Theory Component)

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Understand the different approaches to using Lego for experiential learning
  • Apply the different processes in Lego-facilitated lessons
  •  Design and customize the Lego-facilitated strategies for one's own use
  •  Use Lego to facilitate teaching processes in team building and leadership training

B. Key Skills (Practical Component)

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Understand the different approaches to using Lego for experiential learning
  •  Apply the different processes in Lego-facilitated lessons
  • Design and customize the Lego-facilitated strategies for one's own use
  • Use Lego to facilitate teaching processes in team building and leadership training


Time Agenda
09:00 - 09:30 Course Overview
09:30 - 10:30 Understand the different approaches to using Lego for experiential learning
10:30 - 10:45 Break
10:45 - 12:00 Demonstrating the different approaches
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 15:30 Scenario-based activities and training
15:30 - 15:45 Break
15:45 - 17:00 Group presentation
17:00 - 17:30 Assessment


  • Written Exam


  • Diploma or an equivalent qualification from a recognised institution

About the Trainer

Tay Huay LingAssociate Professor Tay Huay Ling

Associate Professor Tay Huay Ling holds a PhD in Business and Economics (Operations Management) from the University of Melbourne, Australia. She also has an MSc in Industrial Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, an MSc in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from the National University of Singapore, and a BEng (Hon) in Chemical Engineering from the National University of Singapore. She teaches operations, supply chain management courses, and lean six sigma. Her research focuses on lean six sigma, sustainable business values, healthcare operations, and humanitarian logistics. Before entering academia, she gained experience in supply network analysis, chemical logistics and process improvements. As a pro-bono consultant for non-profit organisations, she assists in operations and supply chain performance tracking and improvements through process streamlining and workflow redesigns. She has published journal articles on operations management and process improvements in logistics, healthcare, community care, and higher education. Her work utilises lean six sigma and performance management in humanitarian logistics and supply chains.

About the Trainer

June TayAssociate Professor June Tay

Associate Professor June Tay is the Head of the Digital Media Programme which she developed at Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS). Prior to joining SUSS, she taught various ICT and electronic courses for various university programmes. She has a good working knowledge of communications networks, and she worked on Singapore Broadband Network project in IDA. As a research scientist with British Telecommunications in UK after her PhD, she had achieved 6 granted patents in computer networks and security and had contributed to Internet Standards (IETF RFC). Her MSc study on communications for deep ocean lander was fully sponsored by Motorola UK and University of Aberdeen. Her PhD study on satellite communications protocols for SkyNet 5 military satellite, was fully sponsored by the UK Defence Ministry. She received her MBA from Essec Business School and Mannheim Business School. She conducted corporate training sessions on using agile methodology in organisations. Her current research interests are in computer vision, generative AI and communications networks.

Application Procedures

Please submit the following documents to [email protected]:

  1. Coloured copy (back and front) of NRIC for Singaporeans and PRs, or "Employment"/"S" Pass for foreign applicant
  2. Application form

Course Fee

Course Fee for $700

1 Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy: Singaporeans aged 40 and above may enjoy subsidies up to 90% of the course fees.
2 Enhanced Training Support for SMEs: SME-sponsored employees (Singaporean Citizens and PRs) aged 21 and above may enjoy subsidies up to 90% of the course fees.

  • Participants are required to achieve at least 75% attendance and sit and pass any prescribed examinations/assessments or submit any course/project work (if any) under the course requirement.
  • Participants are required to complete all surveys and feedbacks related to the course
  • The course fees are reviewed annually and may be revised. The University reserves the right to adjust the course fees without prior notice.
  • Singapore University of Social Sciences reserves the right to amend and/or revise the above schedule without prior notice

For clarification, please contact the SUSS Academy via the following:

Telephone: +65 6248 0263
Email: [email protected]