Mentorship Support Grant


The Mentorship Support Grant (MSG) is intended for SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) to co-fund the costs incurred by the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) in providing project mentorship support to enterprises, through consultancy and/or projected-based implementation-led training. Projects supportable should aim to improve worker skills, enterprise productivity, and/or job redesign.

As part of the transformation programme for enterprises, SUSS shall provide mentorship support to organisations to help them to (a) Define their problem statement(s); (b) Identify and prioritise areas of improvement, and (c) Co-develop learning and skills-related solutions to address the organisation’s needs via projects to be completed within a six-month period.

Enterprises must fulfill the following criteria:

  • SME* or Non-SME
  • Registered and operating in Singapore

Funding Support Details

  • $30,000 cap per project
  • SME to be funded up to 90%
  • Non-SME to be funded up to 70%
  • Not more than 3 projects per enterprise for funding support
  • Project to be completed within 6 months

Application Process for Mentorship Support Grant

For assistance, please email your query to [email protected] with the subject heading: Mentorship Support Grant


*Please refer here for the criteria of SMEs