Diploma in Employment Development (DED)

Jointly presented by OTC Institute and Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), the Diploma in Employment Development (DED) is specially designed to be practice-oriented for personnel who have responsibilities or an interest in the industrial relations and human resource management (HRM) functions.

These can include labour leaders and members, industrial relations officers, supervisors, personnel/HR executives and managers. This course consists of 10 modules, split across 3 themes: (1) Economy, Industry and Jobs, (2) Employment and Employability and (3) Employment Relations. These modules aim to enhance your analytical and thinking skills by integrating theory with practical issues and experiences, enabling you to forge better labour-management relations and tripartite partnership through sharing of real-life workplace situations.


(1) Economy, Industry and Jobs

Modules under this category serve to provide participants with a broad understanding and perspectives of the changes in the global economy and Singapore’s stand in the new order. Participants will also learn about the transformation of various industries in the next 10 years and the implications on jobs and skills.



  • Leading in an Age of Disruption (includes e-learning)*
  • Industry, Jobs and Skills Transformation*
  • Data Management in a Digitalised Workplace*


(2) Employment and Employability

Modules under this category examine the key aspects of strengthening the employment (from a perspective of labour policies and economics) and the employability of a worker in a transformed economy.



  • Labour Economics and Policy
  • Human Resource Development for Future Readiness
  • Productivity in a Digitalised Workplace*


(3) Employment Relations

Modules under this category serve to equip participants with a holistic understanding on how to strengthen the relationships between employers and employees (or its representative - the Union) and to manage critical areas in the building of trust and confidence.



  • Industrial Relations Practice and Tripartism in a Changing Workplace
  • Employment Laws and Applications
  • Change Management for Industry Transformation
  • Performance Management (includes e-learning)*

* denotes credit earning modules. Participants who successfully meet requirements of these modules will earn 2.5 credit units (CU) per module that can be utilised in SUSS' Business and HR-related undergraduate programmes.
** OTCi is a Registered Private Education Institute, Registration No. 199001767N. Validity: 3 September 2020 to 2 September 2021



There are 2 intakes per year.
Time: 7pm – 10pm
Schedule: Twice weekly (Mondays and Wednesdays OR Tuesdays and Thursdays). Classes are held at NTUC Centre, One Marina Boulevard (Level 10).


Admission Criteria

Applicants will need to:

  • Have a minimum of 5 GCE ‘O’ Level passes or a Higher Nitec qualification OR
  • Complete ACIR or OTCi’s Certificated IR Series (Level 3)
  • Be proficient in both written and spoken English

Click here to download application form.
Click here​ to download detailed course outline.


Course Fees

Full fees: $5,345.00 (incl.GST)

Fees for union leaders below 40 years old: $1633.50 per participant 

Fees for union leaders above 40 years old: $1138.50 per participant 



Please contact Celina Wong at 6213 8133 /[email protected] for registration and further enquires.​