SUSS Certificate in Aged Care Planning and Programmes
This certificate aims to examine the multi-factorial and multi-dimensional topics of aged care and planning. A programme like Reminiscence Arts uses technique to recapture the past and connect to the present daily lives. It creates discussion of memories and experiences with other people using tangible prompts and effectively engages with senior and their family members. Ultimately, it can stimulate verbal and non-verbal communication, promote confidence and self-esteem for those who participated in the activity, especially person with dementia.
In addition, the certificate bundles a course in Advance Care Planning and End-of-Life issues. Concerns in psychosocial, legal, ethical and spiritual issues that may arise in the dying process, and care professionals play a key role that in supporting the dying and their families. Students will examine the various models adopted in Singapore and Asian countries, with emphasis on person-centered care.
The certificate comprises of modules selected from the Minor in Applied Ageing Studies.
- GER301 Ageing and Society: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective
- GER302 Advance Care Planning and End-of-Life Issues
- GER402 Reminiscence Arts and Aged Care
This certificate shall be made available only to CET students who have completed the required courses via the CET route.
The minimum eligibility requirements for applicants would be:
- At least 18 years of age
- GCE 'A' level with two passes (prior to 2006) or two H2 passes (from 2006), or local polytechnic diploma; or International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma; or NUS High School Diploma
- Applicants with a Diploma from ITE, or other Diploma qualifications plus an acceptable SAT or ACT (with Writing) score may be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis
- If not, at least 5 GCE 'O' Levels & an interview
Click here for more information.
Programme/Module Completion
Certificate in Aged Care Planning and Programmes
Issued to those who have successfully completed all three modules. Credit Recognition for these modules may be applied if the student decides to further pursue a SUSS undergraduate degree.
(Subject to approval in accordance with SUSS academic policy.)
Upon completion of the required courses under the Certificate, you may click here to apply for the certificate. Please send the complete form to [email protected] by the submission cut off date.
Course Fees
Please click here for more information on course fees.
For more details and registration, please contact SUSS Academy at +65 6248 0263 / [email protected].