ASME - SUSS Professional Certificate in Accelerating Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Growth


The Professional Certificate in Accelerating Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Growth is specifically designed to enhance critical business skills of individuals driving SMEs. Developed as a collaboration between Association of Small & Medium Enterprises (ASME) and the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), this programme equips these businesses with an updated skill set and a deeper understanding of current best practices.

Consisting of three specially curated modules, the focuses are on turbo-charging performances of SMEs, the latest tools in digital marketing as well as adopting cutting-edge generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to drive new growth frontiers. Participants are provided with insights into leveraging social media platforms to develop compelling brands, extending community engagement in the digital era and application of AI in real-world business context - all tailored to the unique needs and constraints of SMEs.

The classes are conducted with an effective blend of theories, real-world case studies, and practical skill development to ensure optimal learning. Please refer to the table below for detailed synopses of the modules:

Please see the table below for the synopses of the courses.


(CET137) Growing Your Small Business

Next Available Intakes: TBC

In this course you will be taught how to understand your business better. The course will provide knowledge enabling you to grow your business to the next level. The course will start with having participants understand and identify the unique selling point of their product/service and their critical success factor(s). The course will help participants in growing their micro/small business and sustain it.


(CET143) Digital Branding & Engagement Strategy for Small Business and Entrepreneurs (Synchronous e-Learning)

Next Available Intake: TBC

The objective of this module is to help entrepreneurs to comprehend and appreciate the importance of building their brand both online and offline. This will encompass the knowledge of developing a digital brand strategy, engaging in digital engagement and marketing.


In this workshop, participants will learn how to develop a holistic brand strategy, how to make their brand stand out (both online and off line) by considering their touchpoints, and understand how they should engage their target audience using different marketing tools, in particular digital tools such as social media platforms, online performance tracking tools and using the appropriate communications approach. The training session will include hands-on practice and discussions to help participants comprehend the concepts better.


As a result, the knowledge acquired from this workshop will help participants to elevate themselves from being just online traders to brand owners, and add value to their entire business venture.


(CET175) Introduction to Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Next Available Intake: TBC

Introduction to Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a course that provides an overview of generative models and their applications in AI. By the end of the course, participants will be able to understand the concept of AI, Generative AI and their real-world applications. Participants will also learn how to effectively use generative AI models and popular tools such as ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion.

Upon successful completion of the three courses, a joint professional certificate will be issued by NVPC and SUSS to the students to recognise their competency in the relevant fields.

Programme Fee

Please click on course code for more information on course fees:

    (CET137) Growing Your Small Business

    (CET143) Digital Branding & Engagement Strategy for Small Business and Entrepreneurs (Synchronous e-Learning)

    (CET175) Introduction to Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)


    To apply for the ASME - SUSS Professional Certificate in Accelerating Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Growth, please click here.


    For course registration and further enquiries on the certification programme, you may email to [email protected].