Class Giving 2023
Dear Class of 2023,
As a way of giving back to SUSS, the graduating cohort champions the Class Giving campaign, and for 2023, we are raising funds for the SUSS Tech Grant Fund!
The SUSS Tech Grant Fund aims to provide financial resources for less privileged undergraduates at SUSS to acquire technological devices, such as laptops, to complement and aid their course of study.
Technological devices are ubiquitous items in our everyday lives, so much so that most of us take them for granted. For some of our peers and juniors, competing financial considerations often make laptops the least of their priority. Consequently, students are at a disadvantage when going for classes, completing individual and group assignments, doing revisions and sitting for examinations - because all these activities require the use of a laptop.
As such, we earnestly seek your generous partnership in achieving our fundraising target of $20,000 for the SUSS Tech Grant Fund so that we can support fellow students with their purchase of the devices.
Yours sincerely,
Class Giving Committee 2023
*Donors who are Singapore tax residents may claim 2.5 times tax deduction on their gifts. For more information, please click here.