Professional Sharing
Integrating Applied Learning into Your Classroom: Insights from Award-Winning Faculty (13 Nov 2024) |
Speakers: Dr Grace Chee, Mr Melvin Loh Moderator: Dr Stefanie Chye As Singapore shifts towards future-proofing its workforce, there is an increasing emphasis on applied skills and lifelong learning across the education landscape. At the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), applied learning is a cornerstone of our educational philosophy, aligning closely with the national objective to prepare graduates who can meet the evolving demands of the economy. |
Using Fit-for-Purpose Assessments to Improve Teaching and Learning (3 Sept 2024) |
Speakers: Associate Professor Vanessa Liu, Mr Chee Wai Meng, Dr Sheryl Chua Hwee Chin Moderator: Dr Yao Shih-Ying The availability of generative artificial intelligence (gen AI) tools (e.g., ChatGPT) in recent years has raised concerns about assessment practices in tertiary education. Scholars and institutions of higher learning across the world have proposed guidelines for the design and use of assessments, such as incorporating contextual elements into assessment design, increasing the emphasis on the assessment process, etc. In this session, faculty members from different disciplines will discuss their assessment practices at SUSS in light of the affordances of gen AI and share their reflections. |
Sharing By SUSS Students (22 July 2024) |
Speakers: Nicholas Lee Nam Aik, Kritikaa Subramaniam, Muhammad Syukrie Sulaiman, Naazneen Ashfur Ali, Tan Sok Leng, Jonathan David Tang Zhi Yuan Moderator: Dr Evelyn Gay Join us as we delve into the heart of student experiences at SUSS. This Teaching and Learning conversation will feature student representatives from 1SUSS, a student body that acts as the voices of students. These students will share their insights on a survey conducted by 1SUSS in 2023 in collaboration with Student Life. The survey gathered 213 responses aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of student perspectives on important topics such as Student Programs and Learning Support. This session will highlight the results of the survey, offering members of the audience the opportunity to engage directly with student feedback. |
Elite Sport and Academic Performance: Mental Health in Higher Education (17 July 2024) |
Speakers: Associate Professor, Emily Ortega In the education industry, there is a parallel between elite sport and academic performance – a relentless pursuit for success. Like athletes, students are expected strive to achieve excellence in their learning and achieve good grades under high stress situations, like athletes winning gold medals. Similarly, academics too are expected to perform at their very best to embark in the highest levels as they are constantly evaluated on how well they teach and publish research papers. In this workshop, strategies from elite sport will be shared to help educators (and their students) to better cope with the stressors and improve mental health in this hyper-competitive environment. Educators will learn about the science of performing under pressure, such as the importance of breathing techniques to manage the Autonomic Nervous System’s response to stress, as well as strategies to help coach students to better manage academic stress. |
Illuminating Excellence: Unveiling Pedagogical Alchemy (29 May 2024) |
Speakers: Mr Cedric Chew, Ms Chia Ming Huei, Ms Alli Ruthirapathi Moderator: Associate Professor, Jennifer Yeo Every pedagogical strategy has a purpose – a deliberate spark that ignites motivation and curiosity. In this panel discussion, recipients of the Outstanding Teaching Award will delve into the intricate tapestry of their pedagogical reasoning behind their innovative teaching practices, and how these practices have fostered student engagement and elevated learning outcomes. |
Harnessing Generative AI for Performance and Productivity in Content Development, Learning and Research (19 Feb 2024) |
Speakers: Assoc Prof Jimmy Wong, Dr Wang Yue, Dr Lye Che Yee Moderator: Lecturer, Dr Yao Shih-Ying Since the release of ChatGPT, there has been a significant advancement in the field of natural language professing and generative AI (gAI). It has then been quickly followed by further development and release of GPT-4 and similar models which can greatly enhance human capabilities by creating content such as texts, images, audio and much more. This session will explore practical gAI applications, from automated text generation to visual and audio content creation. We will also delve into its applications on student learning and research. Join us to get a firsthand look at a few gAI tools (e.g., GPT-4, GPTs, Synthesia, Heygen, Elicit AI) in action, showcasing their ability to kickstart inspiration and streamline workflows. Discover how gAI can amplify your creativity and efficiency, and learn about the collaborative interplay between gAI and human input to stay ahead in this rapidly evolving landscape. Generative AI Tools that were showcased during the presentation:
Adaptive Learning: AI in Education (7 Nov 2023) |
Speakers: Conor O'Sullivan, Daniel Mccrea Moderator: Senior Lecturer, Dr Lye Che Yee In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has paved the way for a more personalised and efficient learning experience through Adaptive Learning Systems. This talk aims to illuminate the concept, significance and practicalities of adaptive learning within university settings, providing insights into its potential to enhance personalised learning experiences. We will discuss the key theories and technologies of adaptive learning, and how it can improve learning and teaching in universities. We will also delve into how the adaptive learning courses get built, demonstrating the step-by-step approach on how to move from your current course materials to a fully Adaptive Learning System. |
Innovation and Risks: Integrating AI in Higher Education (30 Oct 2023) |
Speakers: Dr Leslie Teo, Mr Brian Lim Moderator: Provost, Professor Robbie Goh Commentor: Professor David LeeExplore the transformative potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) and General Artificial Intelligence (GEnAI) in academia. This talk elucidates the technologies' capabilities, examining their pivotal role in augmenting teaching, research, and student learning experiences within university settings. We'll delve into how educators can leverage LLMs and GEnAI to generate dynamic learning materials, expedite research processes, and facilitate personalized educational journeys. We'll also critically address the ethical and practical challenges, such as misuse, bias, and accessibility, ensuring a mindful and responsible adoption of these technological marvels in academic contexts. |
Supporting Learning with Miro: Strategies and Insights (29 Sep 2023) |
Speaker: Dr Nicholas de Cruz Moderator: Senior Lecturer, Dr Lin Feng Since the Covid pandemic, the integration of digital tools into classroom settings has become increasingly commonplace. In this conversation, Dr. Nicholas will share his experiences of utilizing Miro, a visual collaboration software, to enhance students’ learning experiences. He will focus on four aspects of Miro’s application:
An Open Conversation: How Has the Students’ Learning Experience Been (25 July 2023) |
Speakers: Student Representatives from OneSUSS Moderator: Lecturer, Dr Evelyn Gay Join us for a thought-provoking sharing session where SUSS students will engage in discussions about their personal learning experiences, the dynamics of effective group work, and the use of Edtech tools to create a more engaging, dynamic and stimulating learning environment. This event aims to provide faculty an open window into student perspectives for the purpose of identifying good teaching practices, areas for improvement, as well as innovative approaches that can enhance students’ educational journey at SUSS. |
Application of Microlearning in Adult Education (20 Apr 2023) |
Speaker: Dr Yao Shih-Ying Moderator: Senior Lecturer, Dr Ho Yan Yin Microlearning has gained increasing attention in the field of adult learning in recent years. Adult learners oftentimes need to juggle work, study, and family obligations in their busy lives. A microlearning approach aims to deliver learning materials in short units that can be accessed via mobile devices (e.g., smart phones) and provides learners with great flexibility to learn anywhere and anytime at their own pace. In this presentation, Dr Yao will share a recent study that evaluates the use of microlearning as a revision technique for adult students in an undergraduate course at SUSS. A microlearning module was designed and implemented via Gnowbe (i.e., an online microlearning platform) to help students review key concepts and be prepared for the end-of-course assessment. To evaluate the utility of this microlearning module, survey and test data concerning the following aspects were collected: students’ perception, learning experience, and potential improvement in knowledge and confidence in the use of the microlearning module. Lessons learnt from this study provide practical implications for using microlearning to enhance adult students’ learning experience and outcome in higher education settings. ls on collaboration, teamwork, and communication, to prepare them for the workplace. |
GBA: Hopes and Perils (23 March 2023) |
Speaker: Prof Michelle Picard Moderator: Senior Lecturer, Dr Lye Che Yee Group-based assignments (GBA) can potentially develop students’ skills on collaboration, teamwork, and communication, to prepare them for the workplace. Despite the best intentions of GBA, instructors’ and students’ experiences with GBA have been less than ideal.
Assessment and ChatGPT (23 February 2023) |
Speakers: Dr Rachel Forsyth and Dr Lye Che Yee Moderator: Senior Lecturer, Dr Lyndon Lim While ChatGPT has generated many conversations throughout all levels within the education sector, many have centred around the validity of assessment scores, now that it can provide plagiarism-free solutions at the click of a button. This session intends to discuss possible responses to some of the following questions in relation to assessment and ChatGPT:
Critical Core Skills (CCS) Profiling and Development in the Singaporean Workforce (12 Nov 2022) |
Speakers: Dr Bi Xiaofang Moderator: Director, A/P Renee Tan IAL embarked on a Critical Core Skills profiling and development study since 2021 to understand how CCS are distributed and developed in the general Singaporean workforce. A CCS instrument was developed to measure the importance and self-efficacy of CCS in the workforce. 2000 workers were surveyed and profiled into seven occuptation groups baesd on different patterns of CCS importance. In this conversation, findings from a POC project applying the CCS instrument will be shared. In addition, IAL will share a development pathway of CCS for selected participants of the study. Practical recommendaitons of how training could facilitate the development of CCS will also be discussed. Reflection Questions: What are some of your takeaways from this T&L Conversation? Here are some reflection questions to guide you as you review the recording:
Theory-Practice Link -- What's Going On In Our Classes? (20 Oct 2022) |
Speakers: A/P Chui Yoon Ping, A/P Emily Ortega and Ms Celine Ooi Moderator: Lecturer, Dr Lin Feng SUSS prides itself for providing theoretically sound curriculum that enables students to be industry-ready and apply what they have learned in theory to solve real problems at work. Thus, SUSS engages Associate Faculty (AFs) who are well-respected within their fields of expertise. However, having industry experts does not always mean that theory and practice are well linked int he classrooms. The Theory-Practice Link (T-P Link) strategic planninh committee was charged with the responsibility to strengthen the T-P Link in our courses. In this conversation, the committee will share with us the Theory-Practice Link Framework they have developed. They will also present the result of the pilot study that looked at how T-P Link is being applied in some courses across five schools. Pedagogical strategies that could strengthen T-P Link will be discussed. Reflection Questions What are some of your takeaways from this T&L Conversation? Here are some reflection questions to guide you as you review the recording:
Towards a Fulfilling Learning Experience: Meaningful Practices; Safe Spaces (24 Sep 2022) |
Speakers: Student Representatives from OneSUSS Moderator: Lecturer, Dr Chew Yi Wei Student are unique individuals with their own personalities, dispositions, expectations and hopes. They come with a panoply of learning styles, needs and wants. The learning experience, therefore, is at once varied and subjective, individual and collective. This session is critical as it exciting as SUSS students from different disciplines engage in a frank conversation about what matters to them. They will discuss a range of issues from assessment support, design, implementation, and feedback, to being in an environment of safety, trust and encouragement - all this within the context of what encapsulates a meaningful, valuable and fulfilling learning experience. Reflection Questions What are some of your takeaways from this T&L Conversation? Here are some reflection questions to guide you as you review the recording:
Towards Meaningful and Authentic Self-Assessment Practices (25 Aug 2022) |
Speakers: Dr Juuso Henrik Nieminen Moderator: Senior Lecturer, Dr Lyndon Lim Student self-assessment is commonly introduced as an assessment practice that helps students to regulate their own learning and boost their learning. An extensive amount of research has unpacked how self-assessment could best promote learning and reflection through the use of rubrics, self-assessment forms and multiple sources of feedback. However, such approaches tend to treat self-assessment as a mechanical practice, which is reflected in how students often find self-assessment meaningless even while realising its learning potential. In this session, self-assessment is reframed as a social, cultural and disciplinary practice. Specifically, the following questions will be discussed within the context of higher education:
Practical implications of such reframing will also be discussed in the presentation. |
Building and Reflecting a Strong Teaching Portfolio for Career Advancement (10 Aug 2022) |
Speakers: Prof Robbie Goh, A/P Rita Padawangi and A/P Ferlin Jayatissa Moderator: Senior Lecturer, Dr Lyndon Lim What is a teaching portfolio? How might it help in teaching practice? How might it be used for career advancement? Join us as Prof Goh shares strategies and his experiences on building a teaching portflio. SUSS Award for Teaching Excellence winners A/P Padawangi and A/P Jayatissa will also share how their reflection processes in writing their 2-page narrative (A snapshot of a teaching portfolio) for the award helped enhanced their teaching. Reflection Questions What are some of your takeaways from this T&L Conversation? Here are some reflection questions to guide you as you review the recording:
The View From The Other Side: An Open Dialogue with Students about our Teaching (7 Jul 2022) |
Speaker: Students from SBIZ & SLAW Moderator: Senior Lecturer, Ho Yan Yin Just like how feedback helps our students to learn, feedback from our students about our teaching can also help us improve our classroom practices. This dialogue session gave us an opportunity to have an open conversation with our students about their experience of our teaching approaches. Their so that we can better engage with our students in the classroom. Reflection Questions What are some of your takeaways from this T&L Conversation? Here are some reflection questions to guide you as you review the recording:
New Models for Lifelong Learning in the Global Digital Economy: The 60 Year Curriculum (10 Feb 2022) |
Speaker: Professor Chris Dede, Harvard University Moderator: Professor Robbie Goh, Provost, SUSS “Intermittent lifelong learning is not going to work in the next half century”, asserted Professor Dede as he started his sharing at the T&L Conversation. Prof Dede shared how technological advancement will continue to disrupt the way we work and live, and how it is paramount that individuals learn continuously rather than episodically. Prof Dede also discussed the need for universities to rethink the ‘business’ that universities are in – to not just prepare students for their first job, but to develop required dispositions that will carry them through for the entire course of their career life. Reflection Questions What are some of your takeaways from this T&L Conversation? Here are some reflection questions to guide you as you review the recording:
Click here to download the Presentation Slides. |
When My Students Have That "Meh" 😐 Feeling (During Class)... (15 Jan 2022) |
Speaker: Tan Lee Cheng In an article published by Professor Adam Grant from Wharton, he coined “languishing” as a feeling that can dull motivation and focus; and as the pandemic drags on, languishing has become a dominant emotion of 2021. Pre-pandemic, Lee Cheng describe students who respond to her questions with a shrug, a blank look or stubborn silence as having that ”meh” feeling. Over the past two years, during the pandemic, these students fell behind a sea of black screen over zoom. Unseen and unheard, she sensed their meh feeling even more acutely. In this sharing, Lee Cheng shares her insights and experience on how she motivates her students, in particular, those who are struggling with that “meh” feeling. Reflection Questions What are some of your takeaways from this In-Conversation with TLC? Here are some reflection questions to guide you as you review the recording:
Learning Agility in SUSS vs Real Word - Facing Some Hard Truths (27 Nov 2021) |
Speaker: Padma D/O Jairam Learning Agility is often described as "knowing what to do when you don’t know what to do". In this session, Ms Padma, our Teaching Award Recipient shares how she aspires to model and nurture three aspects of Learning Agility in her students – Mental Agility, People Agility and Self-Awareness. Apart from talking about the challenges she faces when incorporating learning agility into her counselling sessions, she will also discuss strategies she uses to hone her students’ skills in learning agility. Participants are also invited to share their experiences on how Learning Agility can be used in the teaching of their individual subjects and across the disciplines. Reflection Questions What are some of your takeaways from this In-Conversation with TLC? Here are some reflection questions to guide you as you review the recording:
Transforming Learning Design: Embracing and Supporting Diversity in an Online Learning Environment (27 Oct 2021) |
Panellists: Eunice Tan and Kenneth Poon The beauty of the human condition is that everyone is different. We are good at some things and not so good at others. When areas that we are not so good in, start to cause difficulties in areas of our lives, these frequently receive a name or a diagnosis. Over the course of our teaching, we meet students with different difficulties that may affect their optimal learning, both in a physical class setting and in an online environment. During this session, three domains of diversity that may affect the learning of our students are explored. These domains are Social Understanding, Planning and Organisation, as well as Attention. Join our speakers as they share the different learning processes different among learners with special needs, and strategies that we could adopt to engage them effectively in an online learning environment. Reflection Questions What are some of your takeaways from this T&L Conversation? Here are some reflection questions to guide you as you review the recording:
Going Beyond Zoom for Online Teaching (31 Jul 2021) |
Panellists: Choong Wuan Nyuk Cheryl and Brandon Koh In this session, the panellists will share with us their views on:
Implementing Digital Portfolio - The SUSS Experience (28 Jul 2021) |
Speaker: Yeo Lay Do you know that SUSS has a digital platform that allows our students to create their own digital folio for learning and development? Do you know that this digital folio platform allows the SUSS faculty, staff and students to connect and learn more about each other? In this T&L conversation, Yeo Lay, Assistant Director, Centre for Experiential Learning (CEL) will share the value of portfolio, the key features of the digital folio platform adopted by SUSS (known as Portfolium), and the experience of using digital folio by CEL. She will also facilitate a conversation on how faculty can make use of the digital folio platform to enhance teaching and learning, enable students to curate and showcase their works to their peers and potential employers, and how to create a connected life- long learning community within SUSS. |
Knowledge Building: The Ways to the Heart and Mind of Learners (21 Apr 2021) |
Speaker: Teo Chew Lee Research has shown that two things drive productivity in learning: First, a sense of ownership and interest over one's work are keys to improving motivation and self-worth. Second, the way groups work together is critical to how much the group can achieve than the individual expertise that each person brings to the group. We all know that when learners come together to pursue issues and problems that really matter to them, their autonomy and agency skyrockets, the learning outcomes amplified. These learning principles speak as much to the adults in schools, in the workplace, as well as for students in the classroom. These learning principles are also fundamental to Knowledge Building tenets. In this talk, we will explore the dynamics and conditions of real examples of Knowledge Building classrooms for learners in different contexts and subjects and discuss ways to translate Knowledge Building theories, pedagogy, and technology into practical strategies and approaches in our everyday teaching moves. Reflection Questions What are some of your takeaways from this T&L Conversation Session? Here are several reflection questions to guide you as you review the recording:
Statistics Comes Alive In Your Marking (25 Feb 2021) |
Speaker: Koh Tieh Yong Have you wondered how an outlier can be spotted other than by a mental or graphical impression? How about the criticisms you have heard about Gaussian assumptions not working well in real-life classes? In this T&L conversation, you do not need mathematics skills beyond the knowledge of averaging and some simple algebra (+, -, *, /) to understand how a "universal" theorem, Chebyshev's Inequality, apply to students' marks. No Gaussian statistics is needed! If you come with a healthy appetite to learn more about "means"and "standard deviations", you will be armed with the skills to sieve out a "remarkable" student or a "rogue" marker quite objectively! Reflection Questions What are some of your takeaways from this T&L Conversation Session? Here are several reflection questions to guide you as you review the recording:
What Makes Feedback Helpful For Students (16 Jan 2021) |
Panellists: Huong Ha, Ng Yaw Tong and Walter Theseira In this session, the panellists will share with us their views on:
Reflection Questions What are some of your takeaways from this In-Conversation Session? Here are several reflection questions to guide you as you review the recording:
Applied Learning x Entrepreneurship (29 Oct 2020) |
Speaker: Ellen Goel Have you wondered how starting a business can earn our students a Minor in Entrepreneurship? Have you been tasked to collaborate with industry to develop applied learning courses? In this T&L conversation, Ellen will share with us her experience developing and managing the Alibaba Cloud - SUSS Entrepreneurship Certificate/Minor. The programme will be an interesting case study on applied education, where the goal is to better prepare our graduates for their future profession. Ellen will speak about how the programme started in 2017 and how it has supported more than 40 student startups till date out of which 14 teams managed to raise funding from investors of an aggregated amount of more than $8 Million. This conversation is a timely one, given that it falls under the auspices of a very challenging time of major disruptions such as digitization and COVID-19, where small businesses have a hard time to survive and the government is supporting fresh graduates and unemployed PMETs to start businesses. Ellen will also share her views on the future of education and the startup trends in a post COVID-19 world. |
Digital-Storytelling for Adult and Lifelong Learning (28 Aug 2020) |
Speaker: Chew Yi Wei It is only in the past 15 to 20 years that educators have not only integrated but systematised stories and storytelling as part of teaching and learning. Research has also been done - and continues to be - on the importance and usefulness of stories and storytelling in the classroom both for K-12 and adult learning, albeit more attention being centred on the former. However, with Adult and Lifelong Learning gaining prominence not only in academia but at the workplace as well, more research is needed on this very fertile area in order that it be further developed. The advent and proliferation of digitization (since the Age of the Internet began in the early 1990s) have also provided an added dimension and opportunity for teachers of adult learners to enhance their storytelling pedagogies. This conversation is therefore a timely one, given that it falls under the auspices of a very exciting time in digitisation in/and Adult and Lifelong Learning Education. We look forward to discussing relevant issues and ideas; and no least, to learn from one another as to how we can utilize digital storytelling as pedagogy - regardless of, and across our individual disciplines. |
Making Online Learning Work (18 Jul 2020) |
Panellists: Khoo Sim Eng, Lim Lily, C. Sangary and Sarah Chew In this session, SUSS Award for Teaching Excellence 2020 recipients, Sim Eng and Lily will share with us on:
Along with the award recipients are students, C. Sangary and Sarah Chew, who will share with us their experience with online learning. Reflection Questions What are some of your takeaways from this In-Conversation Session? Here are several reflection questions to guide you as you review the recording:
Using Technology to Support Online Teaching (5 Jun 2020) |
Speakers: Lee Wee Chee, Daniel Seah, and Amy Wong
Have you wondered how online teaching has been conducted by our peers during this COVID-19 period? Will their experiences be similar to yours? In this T&L conversation, the speakers will share with us their experiences of teaching online, and the learning points they have gleaned from them. Specifically, Wee Chee will speak about how IAL tweaked their programmes to support online teaching to protect learning and assessment experiences. Daniel will share how he structured his lessons, and extol the merits of unpacking online teaching into bite-size chunks, suited for working adults who lack a conducive learning environment at home. Amy will share her experiences of teaching two different groups of students, namely one who chose to enroll into an online course while the other was "pushed" to do online learning due to the circuit breaker. The speakers will also share their views on how they will incorporate online learning into their teaching post COVID-19. |