Centre for Chinese Studies@SUSS 新加坡社科大学中华学术中心
Centre for Chinese Studies@SUSS 新加坡社科大学中华学术中心
CCS@SUSS aims to raise awareness and understanding of the Chinese language, culture, and contemporary Chinese society through its programmes, courses, research, publications and events/activities.
Our Events 活动集锦
Centre for Chinese Studies@SUSS (CCS@SUSS) organises various events throughout the year.
Our Team 工作团队
The CCS@SUSS team comprises academic and administrative staff.
Advisory Committee 咨询委员会
Industry leaders and experts who provide strategic guidance and insights.
Contact Us 联系我们
You can contact us at [email protected] if you have any queries. 您可通过电邮 [email protected] 联系我们。