SUSS - USE Survey on Security Officers
The Centre for Applied Research at SUSS, in collaboration with the Union of Security Employees (USE) conducted a study that tracks changes in wages, work prospects and welfare of security officers in Singapore. Through conducting face‐to‐face surveys with the security officers, there is a better understanding of the challenges faced by people working in this industry, such as low wages, long working hours, and public abuse. The findings will give insights on how the industry can intervene to uplift the service standards of the sector, and bring in higher renumeration and better workplace environment for the workers. In particular, we are interested to track how the wages have moved over the years, identify the advancement in the officers' welfare, and also track sentiments towards job prospects of security officers.
Highlights of Survey Findings
Applied Learning Education in SUSS is Grounded in the Core Philosophy of 'Head, Heart, Habit'
Student Testimonial:
Learning the hardships that the security officers face has reminded me to be appreciative of what I have, and also made me reflect on what I can do to help them. During the analysis phase, I had a chance to use SPSS, which is a new experience for me as I have no prior knowledge on data analysis. I believe this experience will give me a head start in data analysis in my senior years in SUSS. Taking part in this project has exposed me to many new experiences which nurtures the SUSS philosophy of 'Head, Heart, Habit' in me.
- Ang Kok Tong (Bachelor of Human Resource Management with Psychology, Year 2)