Academic Board and Exam & Awards Committee

Academic Board Members

​Prof Robbie Goh (Chairman)​Provost 
​Ms Agnes Kwang (Secretary)​​Registrar
Assoc Prof Lee Wee LeongVice President, Learning Services
Ms Kwek Peck LinChief Financial Officer, Finance & Business Partnership
Assoc Prof (Practice) Yeo Li PheowExecutive Director, Institute for Adult Learning Singapore
Assoc Prof Allan Chia

​Deputy Provost, Office of the Provost

Assoc Prof Calvin ChanAssistant Provost, Office of the Provost
Ms Jacqueline TanAssistant Provost, Office of the Provost
Dr Yap Meen ShengAssistant Provost, Office of the Provost
​​​Prof Cheah Horn Mun​Dean, College of Interdisciplinary & Experiential Learning
Assoc Prof Ding DingDean, School of Business
Assoc Prof Emily OrtegaDean, School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences​
​​​Prof Leslie Chew
Dean, School of Law
​​Assoc Prof Tan Teng Hooi
​Dean, School of Science and Technology
Assoc Prof Sirene Lim May Yin
​Dean, S R Nathan School of Human Development
Ms Yeo LayDean of Students, SUcceSS Centre
Assoc Prof Rebekah LimDeputy Dean, Experiential Learning
Assoc Prof Chui Yoon Ping Deputy Dean, College of Interdisciplinary & Experiential Learning
Ms Sarah YeeDirector, Academic Services
Assoc Prof Jennifer HuangDirector, Educational Media & Resources
Assoc Prof Fang ZhengDirector, Graduate Studies
Assoc Prof Gervais GabrielDirector, Online Learning
Ms Serene Lim
Director, Student Recruitment and Admissions
Assoc Prof Guan ChongDirector, SUSS Academy
Assoc Prof Lyndon LimDirector, Teaching & Learning Centre
Ms Celine Ong *Deputy Director, Academic Services
Ms Eleana Ong *Assistant Director, Office of the Provost

* In attendance


Last updated on 14 February 2025

Examinations & Awards Committee Members

Assoc ​Prof Allan Chia (Chairman)Deputy ​Provost
Ms Agnes Kwang​Registrar
Assoc Prof (Practice) Yeo Li PheowExecutive Director, Institute for Adult Learning Singapore
Assoc Prof Calvin Chan

Assistant Provost 

Ms Jacqueline TanAssistant Provost
Dr Yap Meen ShengAssistant Provost
Prof Cheah Horn MunDean, College of Interdisciplinary & Experiential Learning
Assoc Prof Ding DingDean, School of Business
Assoc Prof Emily OrtegaDean, School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences​​
​​​Prof Leslie Chew​Dean, School of Law
Assoc Prof Sirene Lim​​Dean, S R Nathan School of Human Development
​Assoc Prof Tan Teng Hooi​Dean, School of Science and Technology
Ms Yeo LayDean of Students, SUcceSS Centre
Ms Sarah YeeDirector, Academic Services
Assoc Prof Fang ZhengDirector, Graduate Studies
Assoc Prof Guan ChongDirector, SUSS Academy
​Mr Steven Ng (Secretary)​Senior Manager, Examination Administration

     Last updated on 1 January 2024